Page 5 - KZN Business Sense Vol.2 No.5
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Africa’s unlikely heroes
Professor Theuns changes are having the effect of been since 2014, GSB earned the reputation Quality Committee, the National
Pelser, Dean and attracting new companies, as for more than 30% of being the first historically Review of the MBA programme
Head: Graduate well as the best talent, to benefit of managers in black university authorised to was concluded at the end of 2015.
School of Business from the development ambitions Africa. According grant MBA degrees. In 2004, The new MBA programme’s
and Leadership, of Africa and The Middle East. to a study entitled UDW merged with the then design, learning resources and
University of ‘Africa Business University of Natal, the MBA assignments from the GSB&L
KwaZulu-Natal It’s no wonder, then, that 72% Agenda’ from PwC, became the flagship offering encourage students to engage
of CEOs are concerned about 75% of these same of the newly formed Graduate actively with the learning content
E the availability of key skills, managers state School of Business (GSB) in through the extensive use of case
particularly with 48% planning that a lack of key what was now the University studies, class discussions and
veryone is in to increase headcount in the skills is threatening of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN). practical exercises to assist them
agreement; coming year. And it explains growth. In The merger also brought about to apply the learning in real-life
Africa and why by far the most CEOs (75%) addition, there is the college-based model at scenarios and to develop problem
The Middle East will drive say that a skilled, educated and currently a lack of UKZN, and the GSB became solving skills to develop creative
growth for the world for the adaptable workforce should be capacity to develop part of the College of Law and solutions for addressing our
coming thirty years, just as Asia a priority for business in the new managers. Management Studies (CLMS). In current challenges.
has done for the last thirty. By country where they’re based. Africa has far too 2011, the University underwent
the year 2050, the population of According to the 19th Annual few good formal a restructuring process and the A Masters of Business
Africa will reach 2.4 billion, i.e. Global CEO Survey from business schools to Leadership Centre became part Administration (MBA) signifies
double what it is today. Parallel PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), meet the need for management of the GSB, forming the current that an individual has become a
to this, we are seeing the rise of a this is such a vital factor that education. Graduate School of Business and specialist or master of the skills
new African middle class – better CEOs see it as a top priority for Leadership (GSB&L). necessary to manage a business
off and better educated – who both business and government – The Graduate School of or operation. In the final analysis,
are demanding more in terms together. Business (GSB) was started in The Master in Business what those skills are subject to
of consumption, housing and, 1974 in the then University of Administration (MBA) is an is constant scrutiny and change.
of course, governance. All these The problem of human capital Durban-Westville (UDW). In appropriate programme to In this regard, the Graduate
is today one of the three principle 1994, a reaccreditation of the attract and develop practicing School of Business & Leadership
investment priorities, and has MBA was required and the middle managers. The MBA is ideally placed to contribute
degree is an internationally to the development of middle
recognised brand that signifies managers to unlock the potential
management and leadership for growth in Africa. n
training. Under the auspices of
the Council on Higher Education
and the Higher Education
UKZN GSB&L MCOM graduates in local economic development