Page 11 - KZN Business Sense - Vol6 No4 eBook
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s part of a drive to opportunities for his company and
identify opportunities for others in the host communities.
Aeconomic development in
its host communities, Richards “I hope that this will show other
Bay Minerals (RBM) has procured big companies that township
businesses are capable of taking
75 000 cloth face masks from four on large projects,” he said.
cooperatives, one from each of the
mine’s four host communities. As part of RBM’s broader
Covid-19 relief efforts , the
“Since the lockdown, which
was part of Government’s mine has already contributed
more than R6 million to assist
comprehensive approach to local communities with the
managing the impact of the
global Covid-19 pandemic, provision of water supplies,
many businesses have struggled personal protective equipment
(PPE), sanitisers and educational
to stay afloat and hundreds of materials aimed at ensuring
thousands of jobs have been lost. boost to the local economy and of the project was initiated due to employment. South Africa’s
Small businesses in our local that communities are informed.
communities were some of the has led to the creation of 88 the increase in demand in local unemployment rate is currently This week, working with the
estimated at 31%, with youth
Traditional Councils of its four
employment opportunities. Just
hardest hit which is compounding as importantly, the masks being unemployment said to be host communities and two local
the scourge of unemployment,” manufactured by these small “We hope that this project averaging 53%.
explains Werner Duvenhage, will help members of our host NGOs, RBM distributed food
managing director of Richards businesses are being distributed communities generate an income Vusi Mhlongo, manager of parcels worth R1.2 million as
in local communities to support
part of its Covid-19 community
Bay Minerals. “We want to help government’s efforts to prevent and that they will continue to be Mackedama Dresssmaker Studio, relief programme. This was in
communities become more the spread of the coronavirus. economically active beyond the life one of the cooperatives that
resilient over the long term and of the contract,” added Werner. is manufacturing masks, said addition to the R900 000 worth
that is achieved by creating RBM spent R1.5 million during The SMMEs contracted by that he was encouraged by the of food donations made at the
the first phase of the project and
start of the nationwide lockdown
jobs and generating sustainable an additional R500 000 has been RBM employ majority women support from RBM. He said the earlier this year.
incomes.” textile industry in South Africa
made available for the second and youth, which are vulnerable
This initiative by the mining phase, with delivery of the masks groups that normally struggle has been under a lot of pressure
due to imports and he hoped
company is a much-needed expected soon. The second phase to make inroads in formal south-africa/richards-bay-minerals
this initiative will create new
RE-EVALUATE ITS ROLE T he iLembe professional and commercial Board Standing Committee
internationally, to provide as
the leadership of Paula Owen,
he South Coast Chamber “As with every new season, the business institutions, both locally and responsible for NPOs, under
of Commerce and Industry Chamber executive committee community, much support as possible. is also supporting our local
Trecently announced that will re-evaluate its role and will as with many communities that are suffering
Lulu Bodla has taken the reins look to become more relevant other South Of note South African banks from the pandemic’s economic
of the Chamber and will serve to the needs of its members, the African regions, is (Nedbank, ABSA Bank, devastation. In this regard, the
as president for the next two greater economy and the various continuing to deal Standard Bank, Capitec Bank iLembe Chamber and its NPO
year term. He is joined by Zama stakeholders that we work with. with the dynamics & Ithala Bank) are mindful of members are working closely
Memela as first vice president and The executive team will soon go of the the economic impact that the with the iLembe Civil Society
Reshma Maharaj as second vice into a season of strategic planning unprecedented Covid-19 pandemic is likely to structure under the leadership of
president. and will come back with a clear, Covid-19 have on their clients, many of Richard Shandu.”
relevant and high-impact strategy situation. “We whom are already under pressure
Roland Lemmer, director that will take the chamber into due to the country’s low levels “If you need any other
of communications company the future,” said Bodla. are challenged of economic growth. The banks assistance or support, whether
Innovative Problem Solving 77 is on a daily will assess each case on its own around business turnaround
a new addition to the executive basis with situations that would merit and continue to be guided strategies, business rescue
team. have been unthinkable just a
few months ago,” says iLembe by existing lending policies, practices, compliance, legislation
The rest of the Chamber Chamber of Commerce, Industry which include a number of or any other matter, please
executive will continue to serve and Tourism CEO, Cobus Oelofse. solutions designed to assist clients either contact myself or Sakhile
namely: Johnny de Wet, Dick experiencing payment difficulties. Khumalo, your Business Support
Basday, Sbu Blose, Thanda Ncane, “Acknowledging that the safety These would include tailored Manager, on 087 354 6343,”
Sharon Smith, Hilton O’Dwyer of our work teams and our payment arrangements, allowing concluded Oelofse.
and Ivan Naidoo. communities are our primary consumers to repay their arrears
consideration, the iLembe over time, restructuring of debts The resources and measures available,
Chamber is continuing to by means of term extensions are electronically accessible on the
support our business community and reduced instalments, and iLembe Chamber’s website at:
NEW LEADERSHIP in dealing with these challenges suspending or stopping legal iLembe business support requests can be
action “under certain instances”.
and ensuring business
continuity.” logged through:
The diverse range of iLembe
The iLembe Chamber has Chamber accredited mentors
appealed to its members to please have also offered their assistance
support its local, legitimate to help SMME business owners
businesses that are supplying and entrepreneurs navigate
Covid-19 products and services, difficult business decisions,
often through the realignment of prepare business continuity
production to keep workforces plans, review business strategy
employed. and guide revisions of business
In addition, the Chamber is
Lulu Bodla Zama Memela Reshma Maharaj partnering with a number of Oelofse said, “The Chamber’s
President 1 Vice President 2 Vice President