Page 5 - KZN Business Sense 5.2
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                    Ugen Moodley,     1.  Take a hard look at the board’s   the goals of the company’s digital   board should be prepared for a   acquisitions (M&A), expansion
                    Managing Director,   composition: Is the talent in the   strategy, How can the use of big   CEO change – both planned and   into new geographies, and
                    KwaZulu-Natal,    boardroom diverse and aligned   data and advanced analytics help   unplanned. Succession planning   relationships with suppliers and
                    KPMG Services (Pty)   with the company’s strategy and   drive the business and how do we   should start the day a new CEO   customers. A robust and frank
                    Ltd               future needs?                 manage the data in a responsible,   is named.               boardroom dialogue is vital to
                                       Institutional investors are   ethical manner?              5.  Assess, monitor, and      helping the company learn to
                         T    he      composition, expressing concern   3.  Help focus the company on   reinforce culture as a strategic   cybersecurity a core competency
                                                                                                                                live with cyber risk and making
                                      increasingly focused on board
                                                                    long-term value creation and
                                                                                                  asset and critical risk
                                                                                                                                across the business.
                                      about lack of diversity, low
                                                                                                   Corporate culture is front
                         game-        director turnover, and whether   understand the views of all key   and centre for companies,   7.  Reassess the company’s crisis
                         changing     the board has the right skill sets   Investors continue to   shareholders, regulators,    prevention and readiness
                                      to guide the company and its
                                      strategy in the future. There is a   emphasize their expectations for   employees, and customers – as   Crisis prevention and readiness
                                      broad range of board composition   companies to focus on long-term   it should be for every board.   have taken on increased
                                                                                                  Headlines of sexual harassment,
                                                                    value creation and the factors
                                                                                                                                importance and urgency for
        implications of technology/   issues that require board focus   driving it, like strategy and risk,   price gouging, shady sales   boards, as the list of crises
        digital innovation, scrutiny   and leadership; including    talent, research & development   practices, and other wrongdoing   that companies have found
        of corporate culture,         succession planning, age and   investment, culture and      – with corporate culture as   themselves facing in recent
        growing demands to address    term limits, diversity, individual   incentives, and environmental,   the culprit – have put boards   years continues to grow. Crisis
        environmental and social issues,   director evaluations, removal of   social, and governance (ESG)   squarely in the spotlight. Where   prevention goes hand in hand
        and investor expectations for   underperforming directors, and   issues – particularly climate   was the board? And what is it   with sound risk management-
        greater board engagement,     board refreshment.            change and diversity whilst   doing to fix the culture?     identifying and anticipating risks
        diversity, and long-term value   2.  Recognise that connecting   stressing the importance of the                        and implementing systems of
        creation should all drive a   digital disruption with risk   sustainability of the company’s   6.  Continue to refine   control to help prevent crises.
        sharper focus on positioning   management and strategy is   business model.               boardroom discussions about
        the company for the future.    more important – and more                                  cybersecurity and data privacy   Focusing on these seven core
        Combined with concerns        challenging – than ever       4.  Make CEO succession and   as risk management issues.    areas will go a long way to
        about mounting trade tensions,                              talent development throughout   Cyber threats continue to grow   helping boards drive a sharper
        resurging debt, high valuations,   Advances in digital technologies   the organisation a priority  more sophisticated and aggressive,   focus on positioning the
        and political swings in the   such as cloud computing, robotic   Few board responsibilities are   with implications for nearly every   company for a better future. 
                                      process automation, machine
        U.S., UK, not forgetting here at   learning, artificial intelligence (Al),   more important than hiring and   facet of business. Hacks at major
        home in SA with the upcoming   and blockchain (and the speed   firing the CEO – a reality that   companies punctuate the new   T: +27 31 327 6000 
        elections, the year ahead will   of these advances) are disrupting   continues to hit the headlines,   reality that any organisation on   C: +27 83 452 3145
        require a careful balance of                                particularly if the board is caught   the grid is vulnerable.  Boardroom   E:
        near-term focus, agility, and   business models and transforming   flat-footed. Given the complex   discussions should be moving
        long-term thinking.           how companies do business.    and disruptive business and risk   beyond prevention to detection,
                                      Understanding how the company   environment today, it is essential   containment, and response – and
          KPMG has highlighted the    collects, protects, analyses, and   that the company has the right   to addressing cybersecurity as an
        following seven items for boards   uses data have become table stakes   CEO in place to drive strategy,   enterprise-wide business issue
        to consider as they focus their 2019   for broader, potentially game-  navigate risk, and create long-  that affects strategy, compliance,
        agendas on their critical challenges:  changing questions: What are   term value for the enterprise. The   product development, mergers and


              he StellarBots from     in Johannesburg where they
              Parklands College Qualify   competed against the best FLL
        Tto Represent South Africa    teams in the country.
        in Uruguay.
                                       In the face of stiff competition,
          The theme for the  2018/2019   the positive attitude and
        FIRST Lego League (FLL)       perseverance of the StellarBots
        Robotics season is “INTO      resulted in them placing fourth
        ORBIT”. This theme requires   overall and receiving the Robot
        teams to transport themselves   Programming Award. They also
        into space in order to create   received a special invitation
        innovative solutions to solve real   to represent South Africa at
        world challenges that the vast   the FIRST LEGO League Plan
        expanse of space holds.       Ceibal International Open in
                                      Montevideo, Uruguay,  from
          The StellarBots chose to research
        the challenge of growing crops in   30 May to 1 June 2019. 
        difficult planetary environments,
        such as those found on Mars,   Casandra de Vos, Marketing
        and develop plant growing     Department, Parklands College
        systems that support these.   Int Tel: +27 (0)21 522 6731 
        After their performance at the   W:
        Western Cape Regional FIRST
        Lego League competition last
        year, the StellarBots received
        an invitation to take part in                               (Left to Right) Kieran Redpath, Bonan Zhu, Katlego Ngobeni, Camryn Abrahamson, Kyle Southern, Hayden Visser,
        the First Lego League South                                 Brooke Elliot
                                                                    The FIRST Lego League Robotics team, “StellarBots”, from Parklands College placed fourth overall at the national
        African national competition at                             competition in Johannesburg with their interplanetary plant growing system. As a result they have been invited to
        the Sci-Bono Discovery Centre                               represent South Africa at the FIRST LEGO League Plan Ceibal International Open in Montevideo, Uruguay, from 30
                                                                    May to 1 June 2019.

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