Page 129 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2021/22- eBook
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Tongaat Hulett’s vision is to be the most trusted representing a combined installed sugar milling
partner in all that they do and their mission is to capacity of more than 430 000 tons per annum. The
build their future by creating sustainable value for total installed refined sugar capacity is 60 000 tons.
all their stakeholders. As a partner of government The Huletts Sunsweet® brand is the leading sugar
and society, their philosophy is to contribute brand in the country.
towards improving the prospects of a better life Mozambique
for many – making a substantial, positive impact on
transformation, attracting fixed investments, urban Sugar operations comprise the expanded sugar mills
spatial integration, supporting food security, youth and estates surrounding Xinavane and Mafambisse.
development, infrastructure establishment and The two operations have a combined installed
inclusive rural development. milling capacity of more than 204 000 tons of sugar
per annum. The favourable agricultural conditions,
Tongaat Hulett has seen the benefit of partnering proximity to ports, and the technical support from
with key stakeholders to achieve a ‘win win’ outcome. South Africa, position the Mozambique operations
These relationships contribute towards achieving the well for further growth.
business’s strategic objectives, while also meeting
the objectives of its various stakeholders. These Botswana
include shareholders, governments, private farmers The Botswana operation has the capacity to pack
and their representative bodies, communities, and distribute 60 000 tons of sugar a year using its
employees and people impacted by the company’s Blue Crystal® brand.
operations and its development activities.
Tongaat Hulett’s approach to working with its key RENEWABLE ENERGY
stakeholders continues to support its objective of All the sugar mills in Mozambique, South Africa and
being considered as a developmental partner of Zimbabwe generate electricity from bagasse during
choice by governments in the SADC regions, in their the sugarcane crushing season. In some instances,
journey to further growing their agricultural sectors. these operations supply electricity to the grid. In
SUGAR OPERATIONS Zimbabwe, Triangle has an ethanol plant which
has an installed capacity of 41 million litres over a
Tongaat Hulett Sugar also exports products to more 48-week production season.
than 30 countries, predominantly on the African
continent as well as parts of Europe and the USA. VOERMOL FEEDS
With sugar being just one of many products that Voermol Feeds is located at the Maidstone mill in
can be extracted from sugarcane, there is great Tongaat, KZN. Tongaat Hulett manufactures and
potential for leveraging greater yields and further markets a range of energy and supplementary
diversification into downstream products. Tongaat feeds to the livestock farming community through
Hulett’s South African sugar operations intend to its Voermol® brand. Voermol Feeds is the market
capitalise on diversification opportunities, which it leader in the molasses and pith-based animal feeds
is already doing in Zimbabwe. industry in South Africa.
The company’s South African sugar operations on Tongaat Hulett’s portfolio of prime land near Durban
the KZN north coast and in the Zululand region and Ballito in KZN, South Africa, has an indicative
operate three sugar mills at Maidstone, Amatikulu fair value of R11 billion. This significant portfolio of
and Felixton and a central refinery in Durban. These developable hectares of prime land has the potential
mills and refinery have an installed capacity to to be converted out of sugarcane into urban land as
produce more than 600 000 tons of high-quality urban development expands and the demand arises.
refined sugar per annum, with the primary product
being the leading Huletts® brand. The South African Tongaat Hulett has well-established land develop-
sugar product range offers a total sweetener solution ment resources, a solid track record and the right
including a range of high-intensity sweeteners. Cane processes to realise this value creation process.
supplies come from a combination of predominately This will provide the base for significant value uplift
rain-fed own-estates, large-scale commercial and through participation in the downstream property
small-scale private farmers in rural KZN. development value chain, together with meaningful
social impact through stakeholder value creation,
Zimbabwe social upliftment and job creation. The indicative
The sugar operations in Zimbabwe consist of Triangle developed value of this portfolio is estimated at
and a 50,3 percent stake in Hippo Valley Estates, R35 billion. 127