Page 127 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2021/22- eBook
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and allows children to interact with the brand in a very
personal one-on-one basis.
The Sharks is a successful rugby franchise, which
is deeply rooted in KwaZulu-Natal South Africa The Sharks place great emphasis on the deep values
that competes in both international and domestic that reflect the importance of community and the
associated spirit that drives a message of unity and
competitions. The Sharks are well supported and loved
by the people of KZN as its fan-base continuously hope. As such The Sharks have established many
grows and rugby is developed further within our successful CSI programmes to help make KZN a
communities and schools. The Sharks attract better place to live and work. Amidst the covid
lockdown in South Africa, The Sharks were able to
numerous adoring fans to its home – Jonsson Kings
Park and greatly contributes to the economy in KZN. partner with its sponsors to deliver food parcels and
masks to assist the communities in northern KZN.
Black and white forms part of The Sharks brand Prior to lockdown in March 2020, The Sharks launched
identity and the brand has received recognition not
only in the rugby fraternity, but also in the marketing #iseecolour which is more than a marketing campaign,
industry. The brand’s marketing is acknowledged it is a movement that celebrates inclusivity and diversity.
internationally as setting the trend in the new era of The Sharks later unveiled the Isivivane Legacy
professional rugby. Wall which is an extension of #iseecolour. The
arrangement of stones in an Isivivane is contributed
The Sharks consistently maintain arguably the most
comprehensive marketing programme in the country by diverse people over time and so another way of
seeing Isivivane is as a form of collectively performed
with a broad programme of communication with
the support base, mass communication through a memory and respect for the journey to come that you
consistent media campaign which embraces partner- are embarking on.
ships with local press and radio and an inviting, In response to the unrest in July 2021, The Sharks,
interactive programme of engagement at every through the generosity of its shareholder MVM
match day. Holdings who committed a starting contribution of R1
million, initiated the #handsofhope campaign aimed
As a sporting brand market leader – in innovation, at rebuilding our province by uplifting communities
match day activation and brand communication, there
can be no better word to describe The Sharks brand and peoples’ livelihoods.
essence than Sharkertainment. Players First Programme
With the focus on the family, The Sharks provide rugby As an innovative brand, The Sharks continue to strive
fans with wholesome entertainment in a safe, family- towards a programme of excellence on the field,
orientated environment. The world-famous after- while maintaining the integrity of player welfare
party that takes place on the outerfields after every during their careers and crucially into a fulfilling,
home game is unique to Durban where not just the meaningful and successful life after rugby. In line with
team, but the whole brand experience is promoted. this mindset, The Sharks have launched a Players First
Programme, which focuses on a holistic approach to
Since the name change in 1995, The Sharks brand has player development.
grown exponentially. Rugby supporters identify with
the brand and are very passionate about it and the To achieve this vision, six focus areas have been
establishment of supporters clubs around South Africa identified.
translates into a significant following when the team The Sharks Entrepreneurship Academy (SEA)
play away from home. will coordinate franchise/business investment
The brand has reached significant milestones in its opportunities for the player pool.
development and Superbrand status ensures that Endowment and Investing, which will assist
The Sharks will always attract enthusiastic fans to individual players with their personal investments.
the stadium regardless of whether the team has been Education Development will provide for players’
winning or not. individual education needs
The Life Coaching and Mentoring Programme will
Community and Social Responsibility provide for a holistic or “fit for plan” career and life
The Sharks brand is so much more than just 80 minutes plan for players
of rugby on a Saturday afternoon; promoting hero Post Rugby Career Development
status for players and role models for the youth. Friends of Sharks Rugby, where foundations will
be formed in different territories (USA, UK and
The mascot, Sharkie, is an invaluable extension of the SA) which will support former players in need of
brand as he is able to connect with fans of all ages, financial assistance. 125