Page 2 - Standard Bank KZN Top Business Awards 2023 Supplement - eBook
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           his an honorary                                                                                                          supplied 308 students with
           award given to a                                                                                                         bursaries and financial
     Tbusiness leader                                                                                                               support amounting to
      who is an innovative                                                                                                          over R12.7 million. This
      visionary with a traceable                                                                                                    has impacted the lives of
      success record.                                                                                                               over 485 054 people across
                                                                                                                                    South Africa!
      The winner is:
      OWEN HEFFER                                                                                                                   But the one thing that
      HOLLYWOODBETS                                                                                                                 stands true, is that Owen
                                                                                                                                    will tell you… HE is
                                                                                                                                    not Hollywoodbets.
      Owen Heffer, owner of                                                                                                         He will tell you that
      Hollywoodbets, has a
      genuine rags-to-riches                                                                                                        Hollywoodbets is the
                                                                                                                                    6227 team members,
      story as he started off                                                                                                       whose Purple blood lives
      with virtually nothing,                                                                                                       and breathes the culture
      in a country that was
      brand new to him and                                                                                                          of the organisation every
                                                                                                                                    day. It is this team’s
      his family. Through                                                                                                           hard work, dedication,
      sheer determination                                                                                                           and passion that has got
      and obsession, he
      created a brand that                                                                                                          Hollywoodbets to the
                                                                                                                                    heights it has today.
      is now synonymous        Devin Heffer accepted the Leader of the Year award on behalf of his father Owen Heffer from Imraan Noorbhai, Head Consumer Client Coverage KZN
      with the colour purple.   Standard Bank, Simone Cooper, Head: Business and Commercial Banking South Africa, Standard Bank and Grant Adlam CEO KZN Top Business  However, when looking
      “Think purple. Think                                                                                                          from the outside in,
      Hollywoodbets.”          Hollywoodbets Kingsmead   title sponsor of Africa’s   A major value of     Hollywoodbets, has been   we can say that through
                               Stadium, Hollywoodbets   greatest horse racing event,  Hollywoodbets is    incredible in changing   Owen’s leadership, and the
      Hollywoodbets has a      Kings Park, Hollywoodbets  the Hollywoodbets Durban  UBUNTU, and they      lives and communities in   empowerment of his team,
      powerful presence across   Greyville Racecourse   July. And for soccer lovers,   know “they are” because   South Africa. In 2023, they   he has enabled and led the
      South Africa, but none   and Hollywoodbets        you will see their name on   of “their communities.”   supported 1065 different   incredible success of the
      more so than here in     Scottsville Racecourse.   the front of all the teams in  And that is why the   charity organisations, 287
      KwaZulu-Natal. They are   They are also associate   the Hollywoodbets Super   Hollywood Foundation was  schools, 176 sports teams,   Hollywoodbets brand, and
                                                                                                                                   we are certain that this
      currently the title sponsors   sponsors of the Cell C   League, as well as English   established. A non-profit   and 118 SMMEs (through   proudly KZN brand, will
      of the Hollywoodbets     Sharks rugby team, the   Premier League outfit    organisation, performing   supplier and enterprise   grow from strength
      Dolphins cricket team,
                               Comrades Marathon, and   Brentford Football Club.   CSI work on behalf of   development). They      to strength.



           his award is        with secure retirement   earth moving vehicle tyres.
           for businesses      services for over 80 years.   P&A Fabricators
     Tearning more than        The fund is responsible
     R100M turn over per       for providing retirement   Currently led to new
     annum, and that bank      services to over 22000   heights by Gerald Anthony,
     with Standard Bank.       municipal employees in all   P&A Fabricators  is an
                               55 municipalities across the   industry leader in the KZN
     The finalists are:                                 region that has 52 years of
     ■   Natal Joint Municipal    province of KwaZulu-Natal.  experience in providing
       Pension Fund            Royal Tyres              quality sheet metal solutions.
     ■   Royal Tyres           Royal Tyres, one of KZN’s
     ■   P&A Fabricators       leading tyre specialists is   SMG
     ■   SMG                   also South Africa’s oldest   SMG is an automotive
     ■   Hirsch’s Homestores   tyre dealer and celebrates   dealership brand that
                               its 84th anniversary in   was launched by Sean
     Natal Joint Municipal     2023. The business has   McCarthy in 2003 and
     Pension Fund                                       has grown from two
                               grown into a professionally
     The Natal Joint Municipal   run operation with the   dealerships to a network of
     Pension Fund is a non-profit   full range of passenger,   24 branches, as well as five
     that has been synonymous   commercial, truck and   Approved Repair Centres
                                                        situated across KZN and
                                                        the Western Cape.
                                                        Hirsch’s Homestores
                                                        Allan and Margaret Hirsch
                                                        founded Hirsch’s in 1979
                                                        with just 900 rand. Since
                                                        then and with a will to
                                                        succeed, they have grown
                                                        the company into a multi-
                                                        billion rand organisation
                                                        operating a number of
                                                        home appliances stores.

                                                        The winner is:
                                                        P&A FABRICATORS
     L-R: Patsy Anthony, Gerald Anthony CEO, P&A Fabricators, and Hameed
     Noormahomed Head: Business Banking KwaZulu-Natal.

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