Page 3 - Standard Bank KZN Top Business Awards 2023 Supplement - eBook
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                                                                                 CLIENT OF THE YEAR:

                                                                                 SMALL AND MEDIUM-

                                                                                 SIZED ENTERPRISE

                                                                                       his award is for    business began with washing  Black City Records
                                                                                       businesses earning   and mending tents as well as   Black City Records is a
                                                                                 Tless than R100M turn     acting as a middleman in the  Durban based independent
                                                                                 over per annum, and that   tent hire business.     record label. The company
                                                                                 bank with Standard Bank.                           exists to protect and
                                                                                                           The company now
                                                                                 The finalists are:        manufactures a range of   develop artists who create
                                                                                 ■    Triplo4 Sustainable    state-of-the-art stretch   world class, socially
                                                                                   Solutions               tents, frame tents and   impactful music for
                                                                                 ■    Sky Tents            dome tents and other     local and international
                                                                                 ■    Black City Records   catering products.       audiences, and who make a
                                                                                                                                    positive cultural impact.
                                                                                 Triplo4 Sustainable       Sky Tents operates in nine
                                                                                 Solutions                 locations in South Africa as  The winner is:
                                                                                 Triplo4 Sustainable Solutions   well as internationally.    SKY TENTS
                                                                                 is a small enterprise that
                                                                                 was established by Hantie
                                                                                 Plomp in 2011 in Ballito.
                                                                                 The company promotes
                                                                                 and facilitates sustainable
                                                                                 solutions within private and
                                                                                 public enterprises as well as
                                                                                 communities and society as
                                                                                 a whole.
                                                                                 Sky Tents
                                                                                 Isaac Mbatha’s strong
                                                                                 entrepreneurial spirit led
                                                                                 him to establish Sky Tents in
                                                                                 2015. His entry into the tent   L-R: Hameed Noormahomed Head: Business Banking KwaZulu-Natal,
                                                                                                          Isaac Mbatha CEO Sky Tents and Grant Adlam CEO KZN Top Business


           his award is given   based sectors is included.  2014. After a development   top quality mozzarella,   Dairy Championship   had a massive impact on
           to a business                                process, construction    cheddar and gouda cheeses   Qualité award.         the social and financial
     Tthat incorporates        The winner is:           began on 7 July 2015 and   as well as butter and amazi.    Underberg Dairy is possibly   structure of Underberg,
      activities that are      UNDERBERG DAIRY          production on the 3rd    This partnership has     the largest employer in   contributing directly to
      primary engaged in                                March 2016.              enabled Underberg Dairy   the Underberg area with   the establishment of a local
      farming activities. The   Underberg Dairy (Pty)   A collaboration of 12    to become one of the top   a staff compliment of   emergency medical service
      beneficiation of goods   Ltd, from a vision and a   farmers formed Berg    producers of mozzarella   230 dedicated employees   and to buying local as far
      from agricultural,       concept during 2013, was   Dairies who partnered with   in South Africa, recently   whose lives they have   as possible.
      fisheries and forestry-  established on 15th January   Roman’s Pizza to produce   winning the South African   changed. The dairy has

      Kuben Chetty, Head: Commercial Banking KwaZulu-Natal, Standard Bank,
      Steve Roberts Managing Director Underberg Dairy and Grant Adlam

                                                                                                      www  For more information visit
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