Page 8 - Standard Bank KZN Top Business Awards 2023 Supplement - eBook
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he majority of involved in managing the Brothers Ahmed Dhai and
ownership or control various company divisions. Ismail Dhai started the
Tof the business company in 1975 and it
lies within a family. Magnet Electrical Supplies continues to be managed
The 50-year-old family by the Dhai family.
The finalists are: business was founded by
■ KZN Oils Ernest and Janice Howarth LHL Engineering
■ Magnet Electrical in 1972 as an electrical wire LHL Engineering is a
Supplies supplier. The company now family run business led by
■ Phoenix Group plays a substantial role in Nelson Govender whose
■ LHL Engineering the world of energy in KZN. vision is to be ‘the-go-to
engineering team’ known
KZN Oils Phoenix Group for outstanding quality,
KZN Oils was founded by The Phoenix Group safety, customer service
the late Rajen Reddy. Esay comprises 15 companies, and value.
Reddy become CEO of of which the proverbial
KZN Oils in 2021. Their flagship is Phoenix The winner is:
children Venisha, Kerushin Cash and Carry PHOENIX GROUP
and Kreeshan, are actively Pietermaritzburg.
L-R: Ahmed Dhai, Director Phoenix Group, Kuben Chetty, Head: Commercial Banking KwaZulu-Natal,
Standard Bank, Simone Cooper, Head: Business and Commercial Banking South Africa, Standard Bank,
Ismail Dhai Director Phoenix Group and Grant Adlam CEO KZN Top Business
verall mental, supermarkets and through JD Telecom
physical, their charity work they JD Telecom is a satellite and
Oemotional, encourage teamwork, technology-based entity
and economic health collaboration, and unity. that focuses largely on
of employees.
Graduate Institute of establishing connectivity
The finalists are: Financial Sciences (GIFS) and communications
■ Phungela Holdings purposes. The age old
GIFS is a thought leader
■ Star Retailers and disruptor in financial saying of “Happy employees
■ Graduate Institute of services education and are productive employees”,
Financial Sciences (GIFS) training that believes is very true in JD Telecom’s
business whose employees
■ JD Telecom a happy team is a are acknowledged as valued
Phungela Holdings productive team and this role-players.
is demonstrated by the
Phungela Holdings is a personal and professional
South African business growth of their team The winner is:
technology and digital members. STAR RETAILERS
transformation firm, that
understands that a healthy
and engaged workforce is
crucial for productivity,
job satisfaction, and
overall success.
Star Retailers
The group’s name
is called STAR
RETAILERS, because
it stands for SUCCESS
will be achieved with
a TEAM of staff with
the right ATTITUDE
and RESPECT for each
other. The group has over L-R: Kayur Jagadan with his parents, Serena and Ravi Jagadasan, founders
1200 employees at its of Star Retailers.