Page 3 - Standard Bank KZN Top Business Awards 2022 - Supplement-Sunday Times
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           he introduction of   had to set itself apart in an   its assets to fight crime. This  The system has resulted   businesses noticing the   four-fold from November
           a product, process,   already saturated market.   fight is to the benefit of the   in a number of successes.   positive impact the system  2021 to March 2022 when
      Tor business concept     By incorporating its public   city of Pietermaritzburg at   The business’s brand was   has had in their areas.   the entire system was up
      that shows real results.  service model with digital   large, whether its occupants   most positively affected,   As a result, their client   and running. 
      The finalists are:       innovations in surveillance   are Mi7 clients or not.   with residents and   generation rate increased
      ■   The Holiday Club     technology, the concept
        (Beekman Group)        of a city-wide surveillance
      ■   Mi7 National Group   net was developed for         A CLASS-LEADING SERVICE
      ■   Hannah Grace         Pietermaritzburg.
      ■   Inzalo Utility Systems
                               By strategically placing      PROVIDER OF BESPOKE
                               its surveillance systems
      The winner is:
      Mi7 NATIONAL GROUP       in various intersections      SECURITY SERVICES                                                    With more
                               and known access routes,
      Mi7 National Group prides   combined with 24-hour                                                                       than two decades
      itself on a public service   monitoring at its state-of-                                                             in service of blue-chip
      model based on community   the-art NOC (Network                                                                      corporations, tertiary
      duty. When the company   Command Centre), the Mi7      Providing integrated solutions for:                             institutions, and
      initiated its armed response   National Group have the   •  Corporate Guarding    •  Surveilance                         State-owned
      service in March 2021, it   ability to proactively deploy   •  Event Security     •  VIP Protection
                                                             •  Investigations          •   Strike Management                    facilities.
                                                             •  Advanced Home              and Crowd Control
                                                               Monitoring Systems

                                                            REGISTERED HEAD OFFICE  NEWCASTLE BRANCH  GAUTENG BRANCH  CAPE TOWN BRANCH
                                                            26A SHORTTS RETREAT ROAD,  26 PATTERSON STREET  UNIT 06, 130 LLOYD STREET  02 OLIEN STREET, BRACKENFELL
                                                            MKONDENI, PIETERMARITZBURG  NEWCASTLE, 2940  PRETORIA INDUSTRIAL  PROTEA HEIGHTS, 7560
                                                            PH: 033 - 389 5628  PH: 034 - 312 1632  PH: 012 - 386 0264  PH: 021 - 511 3161
                                                            EMAIL:  CELL: 073 375 0764  CELL: 081 735 6053  CELL: 071 130 5877
     Grant Adlam, Mi7 CEO Shadrach Karien, and Hameed Noormahomed


            warded to a person   The finalists are:     ■   Portio Dlamini       The winner is:            of Sky Tents, started off   operates in nine locations
            or business who    ■   Dr Fareed Amod         – Emakheni Cleaning &    SKY TENTS               as a taxi conductor and   in South Africa.
     Ahas persevered,            – Crown Dental Studio    Industrial Solutions   ISAAC MBATHA              selling sweets at the taxi   Sky Tents manufactures,
      succeeded and recovered   ■   Nondumiso Mthwa     ■   Isaac Mbatha                                   rank - to building what is   sells and supplies a wide
      quickly from difficulties.    – Idwala Property Group    – Sky Tents       Isaac Mbatha, the founder   now a home for the many   range of state-of-the-art
                                                                                                           people employed by his   tents for conferences,
                                                                                                           brand. After washing     weddings, parties and
                                                                                                           and repairing tents in   gazebos. The diversified
                                                                                                           KwaMashu, KwaZulu-       company portfolio includes
                                                                                                           Natal, the 30-year-old   the supply of mobile
                                                                                                           decided to launch his    chillers/freezers, mobile
                                                                                                           manufacturing business.    toilets (including VIP),
                                                                                                           Sky Tents was founded    chairs, and tables for a
                                                                                                           in 2015 and currently    variety of functions. 

                                                                                                           Isaac Mbatha, founder of Sky Tents and Sidney Reddy, Standard Bank

                                                                                                      www  For more information visit
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