Page 6 - Standard Bank KZN Top Business Awards 2022 - Supplement-Sunday Times
P. 6



      Using the digital sector to   to bring connectivity to the   system of partners in this
      provide results that have real   underserved so that no one   project.  These include
      impact.                  is left behind. The project   the Council for Scientific
                               provides connectivity    and Industrial Research
      The finalists are:       in the underserved and   (CSIR), The United Nations
      ■   SmartXchange         often overlooked township   Development Programme
      ■   Airshot              and rural communities.   (UNDP), Old Mutual
      ■   Netstream Integrated    This is achieved through   Foundation, the Office of
        Solutions              the provision of funding,   the KZN Premier, KZN
                               business development     Economic Development,
      The winner is:           support, mentoring,      Tourism and Environment
                               incubation, market access   Affairs, National Youth
      The aim of the           and technology transfer.   Development Agency,
      SmartXchange ADNOTES     The SmartXchange         MultiChoice, and Afrika
      TV White Spaces project is   team has built an eco-  Tikkun. 

     Lindelani Mbambo, Chief Director of the Office of the Premier KZN; Grant Adlam; Jonathan Naidoo CEO
     SmartXchange; Jean Hattingh, Standard Bank; and Fatima Moolla, centre manager at SmartXchange Port Shepstone


            verall mental,     The finalists are:       The winner is:           KwaZulu-Natal by the late   overcome the many storms  able to rise above the
            physical,          ■   uThandekile Foundation  COX YEATS ATTORNEYS   legal legend Graham Cox,   which South Africa, and   prevailing circumstances
     Oemotional,               ■   KZN Oils                                      the firm has continued   particularly KwaZulu-    of recent years.
     and economic health                                Since 1964, when Cox     to rely on innovative and   Natal, has faced. The
     of employees.             ■   Cox Yeats Attorneys   Yeats was founded in    sustainable solutions to   firm boasts an impressive   Accordingly, Cox Yeats
                                                                                                          staff compliment of 102   recognises that employee
                                                                                                                                   welfare is central to the
                                                                                                          professionals, including   success of the firm and
                                                                                                          Cox Yeats’ 30 partners.
                                                                                                                                   significant strides are
                                                                                                          The belief that the firm’s   taken by management to
                                                                               SPECIALISTS IN
                                                                                                          greatest asset is its staff   ensure that employees can
                                                                               COMMERCIAL,                remains true today       achieve a work-life balance
                                                                                                           and it is because of its
                                                                           NATURAL RESOURCES,                                      and are ultimately cared
                                                                                                          people that Cox Yeats    for and supported both in
                                                                              CONSTRUCTION,               has ultimately been      and outside of work. 
                                                                            & COMMUNICATION
                                                                              INSURANCE AND
                                                                             INSOLVENCY LAW.

                                                                             Ncondo Chambers, Vuna Close,
                                                                          Umhlanga Ridge, Durban  |  031 536 8500

                                                                            4 Sandown Valley Crescent, Sandton,
                                                                                Gauteng  |  010 015 5800
                                                                                                          Hameed Noormahomed, Standard Bank with Laura Kelly, Kim Edwards
                                                                                                          and Robin Weastley of Cox Yeats Attorneys

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