Page 21 - KZN Business Sense 9.4 - Shadrach Karien (Cover)
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       earchWorks is one of the   Developed using the latest   with the latest UI Standards,   well protected. Keeping the tainted  access to company information
       largest data aggregators in   web technology, SearchWorks   the SearchWorks team has   funds of corrupt individuals and   and vehicle information, all of
  SSouth Africa. An online       delivers results to clients in   meticulously crafted a web   businesses out of the legitimate   which supply and support a wide
   platform that allows users to   a matter of seconds. With   interface that is easy to use, and   financial system is a vital outcome   range of users, across various
   conduct live, accurate searches   no contractual obligation or   most importantly, provides users   of effective KYC procedures. These  industries including: accountants,
   on individuals and companies,   monthly surprises, a pay-per-  with clean and up-to-date data.   checks help to lower the risk of   auditors, attorneys, auctioneers,
   and in-depth Know Your        click model is in place for all   Sourced through over twenty   your business being used as a   bond originators, bureaus, car
   Customer (KYC) checks online.    users, as well as free registration   suppliers, SearchWorks prides   vehicle for criminal activities.  dealerships, credit providers, debt
   SearchWorks boasts over 15    on sign-up, ensuring that    itself on choosing only the best                            collectors, estate agents, financial
   years of experience in the data   customers are not tied into   and most reliable sources when it   Fighting Fraud     institutions, government, insurance
   industry, where the company    unnecessary agreements.     comes to data partnerships.    Nearly 70 percent of         companies, municipalities,
   has emerged as a clear leader    Using years of feedback   Identity Verification         organisations globally report that   property development, schools and
   in the sector.                and support queries along                                  their most serious fraud incidents   tracing agents, among others.
                                                               SearchWorks makes the        come via external attack, in the   This is made possible through
                                                              process of identity verification   form or hackers or organised   our cloud technology, greatly
                                                              less laborious, faster, and more   crime syndicates, according to   increasing the reliability and
                                                              efficient giving companies in   PwC’s latest survey. Not only can   uptime of our application
                                                              the process of onboarding new   this type of fraud lead to huge   and reducing unnecessary
                                                              clients, instant access to verified   financial loss, but also a ruined   interruptions.
                                                              identities, updated contact details   reputation, which can ultimately
                                                              and account verifications, all   lead to the downfall of a business.   The SearchWorks management
                                                              within the confines of the law.   Now more than ever        team collectively brings 75 years
                                                              In addition, the platform allows                            of combined experience to the
                                                              the user to access all five credit   organisations need to have   table. This long-standing team
                                                                                            systems in place to reduce the
                                                              bureaus in South Africa in one   risk of falling victim to these   understands everything there is
                                                              place, with the ability to confirm                          to know about the data industry
                                                              the identity of an individual,   financial crimes. Businesses   – it’s what makes the team tick.
   Sameer Kumandan, Managing Director  Shaun Viljoen, Senior Business Analyst               have the power to fight fraud
                                                              their address, financial status and   by ensuring consistent KYC   Together, this formidable team,
                                                              more. SearchWorks then combines                             paired with their passion and
                                                              the findings, giving a view of   procedures are in place during   belief in their business is what
                                                                                            onboarding. With SearchWorks,
                                                              an individual or company from   this process can be done    makes SearchWorks the success
                                                              various sources, in a single report.                        that it is today. 
                                                                                            quickly and accurately, without
                                                               SearchWorks also offers business   disrupting customer journeys.
                                                              the ability to perform detailed                             T: 0860340000
                                                              Politically Exposed Person (PEP)   A Wide Range of Users    E:
                                                              and Sanctions checks when      SearchWorks offers property   W:
                                                              onboarding new customers,     related searches, credit related
                                                              as well as during the ongoing   searches, individual validation
                                                              review of clients, to ensure that its   checks such as qualification checks
   John Frier, IT Executive     Chantelle Frier, National Sales Manager  reputation, revenue and capital are   and criminal checks, and also has


       pot-On Fire Controls      to portable fire extinguishers,   Services
       (Pty) Ltd is a Level 1    fire extinguishers, hydrants    The company provides a number
  SBBBEE fire protection         and hoses.                    of services. These include:
   company servicing businesses in
   KwaZulu-Natal. The company     Fire equipment is designed   ■   The design, installation and
   has 33 years of credible      to save lives and property,     commissioning of all new fire
   experience in fire protection   but if installed or maintained     protection solutions
   services. Its expertise includes   incorrectly, lives or property can   ■   Scheduled maintenance of all
   all aspects of fire protection,   be at risk. As such any persons     essential service assets to
   which provides their clients   working on such equipment must     ensure that assets are
   with peace-of-mind knowing    be registered as competent, and     maintained to all applicable
   that their assets are covered.  in the case of fire extinguishers,     laws and standards.
                                 the company itself must have a
    Managing Director, Lungani   SANS 1475 permit.             ■   Comprehensive site safety
   Nene’s ensures that personal                                  auditing seven days a week, 24
   service is delivered on every task.   The company also complies     hours on call service with a one    Spot-On Fire Controls team
   He says, “The company is small   with the South African       hour response time
   enough to care and big enough   Qualification & Certification   ■   Monthly servicing of installed    ■   Fittings      mission is to be an effective
   to work on large scale projects up   Committee (SAQCC) - Fire     items                   ■   Fire Hose Reels           and seamless value-adding
   to a value of R150 million. We   Safety certification. SAQCC Fire                         ■   Hoses                     partner to your company. 
   deliver high quality fire protection   is a legal entity mandated by the   Part of ensuring safety in the
   solutions that are certified,   Department of Employment and   workplace is evident in the need to   ■   Nozzles        For more information contact
   efficient, reliable and backed up by   Labour to certify and ensure   equip workers to be able to prevent   ■   Pumps   Lungani Nene
   24 hours after-sales service    that individuals working within   and manage fire outbreaks that   ■   Rescue Equipment  T: +27 (0)73 388 8247
   and support.”                 this sector have the appropriate   could lead to damage to company   ■   Alarms           E:
                                 competence through training,   assets, injuries or loss of life. As   ■   Blankets        W:
    Spot-On Fire Controls is     qualifications, and experience to   such, further to its services, Spot-
   South African Bureau of       ensure safety and high standards   On Fire offers courses in Basic   ■   Fire Hydrants
   Standards (SABS) approved and   of excellence within the industry.  Fire Fighting, First Aid, Health   ■   Gas Suppression
   complies with South African                                 & Safety, and offers incident   Spot-On Fire’s clients
   National Standards (SANS)1475.    Spot-On Fire Controls is   investigation.               include those that operate
   The specifications laid out in   an approved sub-contractor                               in high-risk environments
   SANS 1475 specifically deal with   to Enza Construction (www.  Fire Products              that they deal with diesel,
   administrative and technical and other                                   petrol and paraffin. Their
   details and controls relating    leading construction companies.  ■   Extinguishers

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