Page 22 - KZN Business Sense 9.4 - Shadrach Karien (Cover)
P. 22


               Fareed Amod, Crown   we have confirmed that you’re   Treatment plan
                Dental Studio    eligible for clear aligners, we   The treatment plan is used to
                                 will arrange a comprehensive   produce a series of custom-made
                      ow might   consultation in which we will   aligners. Each aligner moves
                      be the     take photos, X-rays and digital   teeth up to 0.3mm per stage and
               Nright time       scans of your teeth.         is worn for about two weeks, then
               to start thinking
                                  A 3D computer model of your
               about getting clear   mouth and bite is used to create   replaced by the next tray in the
                                                              series until the desired position
             aligners to pimp                                 of the teeth is achieved.  An
               your smile. If    the complete treatment plan from   advantage of the system is that
                 you missed the   establishing the initial position
                  opportunity    to the final desired position.   you are able to change the aligners
                                 Consequently, before you begin
                                                              at home, without needing to come
                   to straighten                              to the practice every two weeks.
                   your teeth    the process, you will have a good
                   earlier in    indication of what your teeth will   The total duration of treatment
   life, we can help you achieve the   look like at the end of treatment.   depends on the complexity of
   smile you want without using   Aligners can potentially be used   the treatment as every person is
   traditional metal braces. Aligners   together with other cosmetic   different and outcomes vary. The
   offer several advantages over other   dental solutions, such as veneers   average treatment time is between   Possible Responses   Following the course of
   traditional methods.          if your teeth are particularly   six and seven months, however                           treatment, wearing a retainer is
                                 deformed or discoloured.     treatment times may vary between   You may experience some   critical to keeping your new smile.
   What are clear aligners?       The aligners are also well suited   two to twelve months. The aligners   temporary discomfort for a few
                                                                                                                           We will be happy to produce
    Clear aligners are virtually   to people who have undergone   must be worn every day for at least   days at the beginning of wearing   a detailed treatment plan to
   invisible trays that are      previous treatment involving   22 hours a day except when eating,   each new tray. This discomfort is   straighten your teeth which will
                                                                                            a normal response to the gradual
   manufactured from transparent,   braces in their past.  Often teeth   brushing and flossing to maintain
   strong medical grade plastic   shifting occurs over time after   good oral hygiene. If the aligners   movement of teeth and is often   transform your smile. 
   and are generally undetectable   braces have been removed, which   are not worn the minimum   described as a feeling of pressure
   by other people. The removable   is commonly referred to as relapse.  recommended time each day, the   rather than pain, which generally   Crown Dental Studio is one of the few
   aligners can be used to treat                              treatment may not be effective and   goes away after a couple of days.  truly 24-hour dental practises in Durban
   a range of tooth alignment    How the aligners work        the length of treatment time may   As the aligners don’t have   as this is not limited to emergency
                                                                                                                          dentistry treatment.
   problems without metal brackets,   Like metal braces, clear aligners   be extended.      any metal wires or brackets, no
   wires or screws. A series of   apply pressure and force to the                           irritation or sore spots occur in   New Address: 26 Mackeurtan Avenue,
   aligners or trays are custom-made   mouth, causing your teeth to   Care and maintenance  the inside of your mouth.     Durban North.
   to fit over your teeth and gradually   gradually move into the desired   You should rinse the aligners                 T: +27 (0)81 207 8621
   straighten crooked teeth, gaps or   positions in the mouth. With these   a few times a day and should   Similarly, to all orthodontic   W:
   rotation in an organised manner.   actions, the ligaments on either side  brush them with non-abrasive   treatments, your speech may
                                                                                            be temporarily affected by the
                                 of the teeth stretch and compress,   toothpaste twice daily. Some
   Getting ready?                                                                           aligners. You may have a slight
                                 breaking down and creating new   people prefer to remove the   lisp for a day or two, which should
    First, we will review your   bone. The teeth movement is slow   aligners during heavy physical   soon disappear.
   dental and health history. Once   but consistent.          activities, such as contact sports.

                                                              HONOURED AS THE BEST NPO

                                                              IN DURBAN

                                                                   he Upper Highway Baby    Best of Durban award, given the   abandoned infants and facilitates
                                                                   Home (UHBH), a beacon    exceptional work that so many   their adoption into loving families,
                                                              Tof hope and care for         NPOs are doing in and around the   making a transformative impact.
                                                              abandoned and vulnerable infants,   greater Durban area.”    UHBH’s dedication to effecting
                                                              has been recognised as the Best
                                                              Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) in   The essence of UHBH’s    lasting change was recently
                                                              Durban at the prestigious Best of   success lies in the generosity of   underscored by their hosting of
                                                              Durban Readers’ Choice Awards.   the community it serves. “We   the world’s largest baby shower on
                                                              This recognition celebrates the   truly are the conduits of others’   Mandela Day. The event garnered
                                                                                                                          overwhelming community
                                                              home’s unwavering commitment   generosity,” says Kerry. With a   support, resulting in the collection
                                                              to providing a loving and nurturing   total of 1100 beneficiaries, many   of 15,000 nappies, 1500 packs of
                                                              environment for orphaned and   of whom belong to the country’s
                                                              abandoned babies.             most vulnerable populations,   wet wipes, and an astounding
                                                                                            UHBH’s reach extends far      62 tonnes of essential supplies.
                                                               In a mere 4.5 years, the UHBH   beyond its physical premises.   These provisions will benefit both
                                                              has carved an extraordinary   Our organisation thrives on the   young mothers and infants in the
                                                              path, marked by consecutive   collective spirit of the community,   surrounding areas, highlighting
                                                              community acknowledgments.    whether it’s manifested in the form   UHBH’s unwavering commitment
                                                              The organisation’s recognition as   of preloved baby goods or funding   to comprehensive care.
                                                              the best community organisation   that keep their operations thriving.  Gary says that the support
                                                              for three years running, including                          from our community has been
                                                              two years as the best in the Upper   “Our gratitude knows no
                                                              Highway region, is a testament   bounds,” says Gary. “We are all   remarkable. “A special thank you
                                                              to their profound impact. “This   contributing to breaking the cycle   to all who help us reshape futures
                                                              marks the third year in a row that   of neglect, providing these children   and offer these deserving children
                                                                                                                          the opportunities they need,” he
                                                              we have been voted the best NPO,   with a chance they deserve.”
                                                              holding the title of the best in the                        concluded.
                                                              Upper Highway region for the past   With an alarming annual rate of
                                                              two years,” shared Kerry Stanton,   approximately 40,000 abandoned   If you’d like to find out more about Upper
                                                              co-founder of UHBH. “We are   babies in South Africa, UHBH   Highway Baby Home, would like to
                                                              humbled by this recognition. To be   stands resolutely as a haven amid   volunteer, or donate funds to assist them
                                                                                                                          to continue their amazing work, please
                                                              honest, we didn’t even anticipate   this crisis. The home fosters   visit
                                                              the possibility of winning the   a nurturing environment for   or their Facebook page for more details.

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