Page 85 - KZN Top Business Portfolio - EBOOK 2019
P. 85

Owner of Pro-Appointments, founder and   company and employing my strengths daily with
       chairperson of the Robin Hood Foundation  a team of professional and driven staff. I love
                                            seeing people develop and grow and I love the
              INDY NORCOTT is a business leader  motivational speaking.”
              in constant motion and it comes as no   She  believes  in  goals  that  have  value.  “I  have
              surprise that her book is titled ‘How to   learnt that, if an activity is not taking me closer my
      Cbe Unstoppable’.
                                            goal, I simply won’t do it.” Apart from her energy-
        Apart from being an author she is a wife, mother  charged motivational and inspirational speaking
       to two girls, a businesswoman, has climbed  engagements and appearances, she is most
       Kilimanjaro, built a crèche for needy children, has  proud about the contribution she is making to the
       her own foundation, is a motivational speaker and  community through her Robin Hood Foundation.
       an entrepreneur who single handedly launched   Eleven years ago she launched the Robin Hood
       her business, Pro Appointments, 24 years ago.
                                            Foundation  —  a  non-profit  organisation,  running
        Norcott attributes her success to hard work,  projects such as Love the Babies, Bless Granny and
       being exceptionally disciplined and surrounding  Grandpa, Hope Breakfasts and Gogo Bags. “We
       herself with “amazing” people. Failure she says  host entrepreneurial conferences and parties for
       was never an option.                 schools with children with special needs. We run
        Today her business in Westville is among the   more than 100 projects per year and our focus is
       leaders in the field. She has a team of nine staff and   helping people in need. As the name suggests, we
       the focus is on placements of temporary, contract   take from the rich and we give to the poor. Through
       and permanent staff in the fields of office support,   our work individuals and organisations are making
       accounts and sales.                  a difference.”
        Success  for  Norcott  is  a  combination  of  factors.   She is strong on leadership. “I work with teams
       “More  than  profit  I  know  that  a  happy  business   of people and they know what to do and how to
       person is an opportunity thinker, has an ever-  do it but when you can inspire people to do more
       increasing attitude of gratitude, is anchored in self-  than they thought they could, that is when the
       respect  and  guides  people.”  She  says  consistency  magic happens.
       and growing her skills and learning more in her field   I have been gifted with a mind full of ideas and I
       has increased her credibility.       love walking away from a meeting where there has
        Integrity  is  everything  for  Norcott.  She  says  she  been crackling energy and where I see lights going
       was told by a wise businessman never to confuse  on in people’s eyes. I believe that a good leader will
       integrity and reputation. “He said reputation is what  get people to do more than they think they can.”
       everyone thinks you are and integrity is who you   She has won dozens of awards over the years for
       really are. I believe that if you operate with integrity,   business excellence and community involvement.
       you sleep well, and you never have to worry about   Awards that have meant a lot to her include the
       remembering any lies.”               Paul Harris award from Westville Rotary and the
        She is passionate about all the things she does.  Lead SA KZN Hero award. She was also awarded
       She  also  mentors  start  up  entrepreneurs  free  of  the  Most  Influential  Woman  in  Business  and
       charge and does motivational talks at various  Government award in the services category in
       churches and community organisations. “I love  2014 and voted one of the 29 awesome women of
       business and I really enjoy running my recruitment  the year by Cosmopolitan magazine.

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