Page 18 - KZN Business Sense 9.1
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        Dr Fareed Amod, Crown Dental Studio  individuals who each play an   education came into play.”
                                      integral role as part of a team,”   “My entrepreneurial skills were
               r Fareed Amod is the   he explained.                 something innate and those,
               founder, CEO, and       Since inception to date, Dr   together with my passion for
        Dhead dental surgeon of       Amod has prided himself in    business is what allowed me
        Crown Dental Studio, which was   investing in the best possible form   to successfully merge running
        established five years ago in 2018   of equipment and materials. He   a business with providing
        at 289 Randles Road, Sydenham,   believes that the type of products   the highest possible level of
        Durban.                       you use, directly impacts on the   healthcare. Thankfully these skills

          Dr Amod commented,          quality of the service you provide.   presented themselves naturally as
        “My life is governed by the    The most interesting part of   I required them.”
        principles of hard work and   both himself and his business,   Dr Amod also credits his
        determination. I have always   says Dr Amod, is the approach he   father, whose strong business
        had a passion for business; my   has implemented in the way he   background assisted him in
        natural entrepreneurial skills   conducts his business. Being one   overcoming many of his early
        surfaced in primary school and   of the youngest business leaders   challenges, and moulded him
        grew as I progressed in life.   in his field, the method in which   into the businessman he is today.
        From a side hustle to make extra   he has structured the integration   Savvy and strategic business
        pocket money in high school, to   of providing a health care   decisions have placed the business
        funding my own studies towards   service and running a successful   in a financially stable position,   Dr Fareed Amod and a happy patient.
        my dental degree, I was always   business is most unique. He   resulting in a lot more freedom
        on the lookout for a business   added, “Taking all the ethical   for future expansions. Watching   Enterprises, which supplies   for marketing and the approach I
        opportunity to help me earn my   considerations of healthcare   the vast growth of the business   quality medical and dental   have taken to embed my business
        keep. Hence, it was only natural   services into account, ultimately   that has occurred within a small-  consumables and equipment.   into the memory of South
        for me to lean towards starting   the 21st century is the digital   time frame reiterates the potential                 Africans. So, watch this space as
        my own business the day that I   age, and this is the centre of my   the business has and for the    “My business is the only dental   I anticipate much growth in the
        was able to.”                 business model and has ensured   plans Dr Amod has in store for   practice in South Africa, to my   next five years.” 
                                                                                                  knowledge; that operates on
          In addition, while working for   that the business is a modern   future growth.         a twenty-four-hour basis and
        an employer was never something   dentistry practice.”       His future business plans and   this is not limited to emergency   No matter what your family’s needs
        that appealed to Dr Amod, the   “My starting point towards this   goals include the growth and   dentistry treatment. This is not   are, we offer a wide range of services to
        opportunity to be the employer,   venture was not easy. Having   development of Crown Dental   only a fact of interest about   support a healthy smile. Schedule an
        and provide employment        spent the seven years in full   Studio, but he is not limited to   Crown Dental Studio, but also   appointment with us today!
        opportunities for others,     medical training, learning and   this. Currently, in the pipeline,   an emphasis on the levels of
        motivated him to take this leap at   refining the necessary skills   are plans for the development   dedication and commitment   T: +27 81 207 8621
        the age of twenty-four.       required to perform dentistry of a   of an entire medical facility   which govern our practice.  We   E:
          “I have invested in training   high standard, I was not equipped   centred around the same   are committed to supporting our
        programmes for each individual,   with the formal business,   principles and work ethic   patients at any and all stages of
        and I have aided them in      financial and management skills   that have proved successful   their oral care journey,” explained
        acquiring new skills and      required to start a business from   with Crown Dental Studio.   Dr Amod.  “My digital footprint
        pushed them towards becoming   scratch. This is where my years   In addition to this, Dr Amod   and my social media platforms
        well rounded, hardworking     of informal entrepreneurial   has recently founded Geelani   can account for my unique flair


              uantum.Silver has been   to some resistant bacteria.  makes it highly effective against   commercialisation of the product     abscesses, sinusitis, burns, ear
              described as magic by                                 micro-organisms. The health   and to make it available to any     or eye infections, pimples,
                                       Together with his wife Monika,
        Qsome people who have         who is a qualified physiotherapist,   benefits, both for animals and   person who would like to buy and     urinary tract infections etc.
        used the product and have     specialized in Women’s Health   humans, have been widely    use it.                       ■   Fungal infections: Ringworm,
        experienced its benefits.                                   researched and these results                                  thrush, candida, fungal
                                      and has a post graduate                                      Volker branded and started
          Veterinarian and businessman   qualification in Clinical Nutrition   formally published in many   bottling the Quantum.Silver®     infections
        Dr Thomas Volker was          for Humans and is also interested   countries over the last ten years.  solution in a 500ml bottle, which is
        approached by two friends who   in alternative medicine, he spent   Volker said, “I think that the   taken orally. Although people were   Inflammation
        gave him a vial of nanosilver   thousands of hours researching   longest process was actually in   sceptical at first, everyone who used   “Our product has a very potent,
        powder with the belief that he   the pros and cons of nanosilver.   my head to have the courage to   Quantum.Silver® noticed some   broad-spectrum effect. Is it magic?
        would be able to make use of the   The product is manufactured   use this powder, transform it into   change in the ailment that they had   Well for people who have been
        product.   Initially, Volker said that  in Germany making use of   a medication by mixing it and   and had a positive testimony. From   battling with conditions for a long
        he did not know anything about   quantum dot technology. During   getting the correct concentration.   there people asked more and more   time and traditional medicine
        the product or what its benefits   this process every silver atom is   And then the next question was,   questions about the application   has not helped, they feel that it is
        were.  However, as a veterinarian   attached to an inert molecule;   ‘Who was going to be the first   of nanosilver which caused the   magic – but you can only apply
        and a businessman, he was aware   the consistent size of the silver   guinea pig to see if the medicine   product range to grow to suit the   it where it is supposed to work,”
        of the many problems that have   particles gives the silver complex   could do what the literature said   application to include a nasal spray,   explained Volker.
        developed over the years relating   its unique characteristics and   it could do?’. One does not always   eye and ear drops, and topical gels
                                                                    believe in good results until you   as well as a capsule form.   Further information for the treatment of
                                                                    have seen them for yourself. As far                         specific conditions or ailments is available
                                                                    as I could establish nothing had   Quantum.Silver® is extremely   on the website:
                                                                    been done in South Africa with   safe and all products are naturally
                                                                    this modern technology and I   based without any preservatives or
                                                                    needed to make that bold move.”  chemical additives. The products
                                                                                                  available have all been researched
                                                                     After a five-week trial, all the   and tested before being made
                                                                    volunteers, none of which had   commercially available.
                                                                    any acute disease, reported                                   SCAN
                                                                    increased energy after using the   Nano silver complex can be    QR CODE
                                                                    product. These results and that   effective in the treatment of:
                                                                    of the great improvement in the   ■   Viral infections: flu, bronchitis,    TO SEE
                                                                    health of a HIV infected child,     cold sores, shingles etc  VIDEO
        Dr Thomas Volker and Grant Adlam                            convinced Volker to pursue the   ■   Bacterial infections: diarrhoea,

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