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David White, CEO of ignorance of how to locate and Authenticity in the workplace through our rational side of Society would transform itself
DRG and Chairman express our true selves, our Business leaders have in recent experiences and education, we naturally if everybody expressed
of BusinessFit SA authenticity, is what blurs the times recognised the value of also have intuitive, emotional their authentic selves, and with
expression of our natural selves. encouraging authenticity in and spiritual sides to our beings. this new way of understanding
here is This is the Light that shines on our the workplace. In the days of When we combine each of these ourselves and purpose, we
no doubt path, and keeps us pursuing new old, when the world was ‘more components, and are passionate would discover ways to
Tthat and exciting growth opportunities, predictable’, business leaders and about our work and outcomes, we transform inequality, mental and
being in the adventures and experiences. governing bodies were more able ignite our authenticity, raise our physical health challenges, and
habit of expressing Allowing our authentic selves to control where they wanted energy levels, and express an inner environmental issues.
our authentic to guide our thinking and their businesses to be at a point in calm and wisdom.
selves is expressions is what the world time, and to define the building A strong sense of purpose
advantageous needs to tame our earthly desires blocks and milestones to reach Expressing our authenticity Each time we are with a person
to both to acquire material gain, power these goals. The simple application Discovering our authenticity is bold enough to express their
ourselves and and authority. How we discover of a clearly defined vision, with even less complicated than we may authenticity, we should celebrate
to everyone our true selves is so simple, so aligned policies, procedures and think. Our authenticity exists their freedom gained, and
around simple in fact that most people job descriptions was enough to naturally within us, and we do not encourage ourselves to take our
us. Being do not reach the point of this accurately predict the likelihood have to add anything to ourselves first steps towards this magical
authentic understanding. Essentially, we just of an organisation`s success. This to express its magnificence. In fact, existence. Being authentic does
contributes to our holistic well- need to be ourselves. past era in business required only we ourselves stifle our authentic not mean we suddenly become
being, encouraging happiness, that staff brought their education expression through our own a different person, but it is a step
fulfillment, and an elevated sense Authenticity is critical when and experiences to work, and in misunderstanding, ignorance, forward in our own evolution as
of purpose and contribution. establishing core values within fact they encouraged their staff and arrogance. When we remove a person and species, and we will
People around us benefit from our an organisation. Not only does and teams to leave their authentic self-centred expressions, fear be amazed at the many new doors
authenticity in that in our true authenticity ensure that what we selves and personalities at the door and doubt from our minds, of thought and opportunity that
state of being, we express a natural think, say, and do are aligned, before entering. we ‘miraculously’ discover the will open on our paths ahead. We
and encouraging energy, and in but it also helps to establish trust authentic voice within, and we will feel a strong sense of purpose,
doing so we also give people space among employees and create a The world is not so simple now, feel more alive, more able and and be attracted to helping
and support to express themselves company culture people value and and all indications are that we more positive than we have felt and supporting others on their
want to be part of.
in their own authentic way. are on a fast curve of change, ever before. This authenticity then journeys of personal discovery,
Knowing ourselves is of course a unpredictability, and growing in never leaves us. Once discovered, recognising more holistically that
What is authenticity? journey we experience in our day complexity. It is now no longer we do not ever drop back into our we are one human race, and that
Authenticity means being true to to day living, and each person will possible for a business leader to past illusion of desperation, worry, which makes us most happy and
our own personality, values, and discover their authenticity in their predict and control growth and and loss of hope. content is when we are helping
spirit, regardless of the pressure own way and own time. Nobody profitability of an organisation. and serving others.
Authenticity is the key to
we might feel to act otherwise. can give us our authenticity and Encouraging authenticity in our successful existence both Our experiences and challenges
Authenticity means being honest confidence in expressing our the workplace, where staff are individually and collectively. are our greatest support when
with ourselves and with others, true selves, but we all discover it encouraged to bring their full seeking our authenticity, as these
taking responsibility for our in a similar way, through deep selves to work every day is being Many people have discovered are the pillars of understanding
errors, and expressing our real reasoning and thinking for seen as the next critical step in authenticity for themselves, that we stand on to reach into
and many more will discover
and genuine selves. Simply put, an ourselves. The saying goes, the the evolution of business and the mighty mental space that
authentic person is someone who Creator made us as he wanted us sustainability of the economy. its presence in their lives in the we discover is as real, or better
is comfortable in their skin, and to be, and we can discover what days, weeks, months, and years said, more real than our physical
When we show up in our full
does not feel the need to put on a He wants for us when we think for authenticity, we have an open ahead. Those people who have existence. When our actions
front to fit in or be accepted. They ourselves. A copy is worthless on and pliable mind, able to notice found it become the people we align with our true nature, we
know who they are, and do not try the screen of Life, and when we admire most, as they seem to are more likely to pursue our
to hide their essence. find our true selves and express ways to improve processes, excel wherever they go, and in passions, believe in ourselves,
this flow, we not only bring communications, and outputs. whatever they do. They are
Our authentic self is always appreciation to ourselves and our This is the result of thinking for calm and confident, and in and feel confident in our
tolerant, kind, and encouraging environment, we also support the ourselves, and recognising that their presence, they allow us to opinions and actions.
to others, which can never be development and evolution of the we do not only draw knowledge feel the same sense of comfort The Japanese word ‘ikigai’
anything different. Our true human race, our world and planet. for our actions and activities and reassurance. means a ‘life purpose’ i.e. not only
selves, that core expression is finding your authentic self, but
aligned to that of our Creator, to know what we love, what we’re
and is that same expression of good at, what the world needs, and
love, kindness and forgiveness. what we can be paid for. Having
Our authentic self can never this understanding of ourselves
be the selfish expression of our will help us to also recognise our
own personal and material authentic selves.
desires. This distorted expression
is referred to as our ego, and
explained as our sense of self- For more information contact DRG
Outsourcing, DRG Siyaya, and
esteem or self-importance – BusinessFit SA
fuelling an inflated feeling of Contact David White,
pride and superiority to others. T: +27 (0)31 767 0625
Pursuit of Self
Our entire life purpose is the
pursuit to discover our true selves,
our authentic selves. Once we
find this awareness, it allows us to
express a flow of life that naturally
brings us joy, peace, harmony, and SCAN
brings constructive development
and opportunity to our QR CODE
environment and circumstances. TO SEE
The world of course is in VIDEO
harmony. Our thinking and