Page 111 - 2019\20 KZN Top Business Portfolio - EBOOK
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increasingly stringent environmental standards. A   in 2017. WET was first created in June 1997 by
       commitment to constant innovation has ensured that   Engen for the purpose of receiving donor funds
       production matches the needs of an evolving market   for educational and training purposes aimed at
       and increasing demands for more advanced products.  benefiting schools in the Wentworth area.
       HSEQ                                 Safety
       The Engen Refinery, and all Engen facilities, adhere   The Engen Refinery contributes funds to community
       to strictly enforced health, safety, environment and   organisations in South Durban. This assistance is used
       quality practices and principles. As part of a broader   to  support safety and  awareness  projects,  including:
       companywide sustainability strategy, the Refinery   trauma units, drug education initiatives and youth
       continuously strives to improve its management of   anticrime drives. The South Durban business sector and
       safety risks. The Engen Refinery’s proud safety record   the eThekwini Municipality have formed a partnership
       has been achieved by adopting world class global   to promote road and rail safety among school children
       safety standards. Furthermore, considerable focus   in the area.
       is placed on training and skills development of both   Community Engagement
       employees and contractors to constantly improve their
       competencies in this regard.         The  Engen  Refinery  values  collaboration  with  the
                                            community of South Durban and recognises that the
       Corporate Social Investment          sustainability of both entities is intrinsically linked. In
       The Engen Refinery is an integral part of its surround-  accordance with this, the company convenes and hosts
       ings and the South Durban community. As such,   the Engen Community Stakeholder Forum (ECSF)
       Engen has always tried to act as a good neighbour   in order to have constructive engagements with
       and responsible citizen.             community stakeholders.
       Engen devotes considerable financial support to various
       social investment initiatives in South Durban. These
       are all in support of the community’s socio-economic
       development and other societal considerations. To
       ensure the sustainability of its social investment efforts,
       Engen aligns with non-profit organisations in identifying
       areas of true need. These  organisations are adept at
       applying resources to societal problem areas.  Social
       investment is primarily in the education, environment
       and safety fields.
       In South Africa, the focus on education aims to drive
       the development of a growing pool of technical and
       commercial human resources, providing supplementary
       support to government efforts to promote Maths and
       Science education.
       The Wentworth Education Trust (WET) celebrated
       20 years of giving back to the Wentworth community

       Full Name of Company: Engen Petroleum Limited  Industry Standards: The plant is both ISO 9001
       Nature of Business: Engen is an oil company focusing   (Quality Management System) and ISO 14001
       on the downstream refined petroleum products   (Environmental Management System) certified.
       market and related businesses.       KEY PERSONNEL
       Products: Engen produces and markets a wide range   General Manager: Jehan Zaib
       of products, including: fuels and lubricants for the
       automotive, industrial, marine, aviation industries.   CONTACT DETAILS
       Added to this product palette is bitumen, chemicals   Physical Address: Engen Refinery, 465 Tara Road,
       and special products. The majority of the products   Wentworth
       marketed by Engen are produced at the Engen   Postal Address: P.O. Box 956, Durban, 4000, South Africa
       Refinery and a Lubricating Oils Blending Plant, both   Tel: +27 (0)31 460 3911
                                            Fax: +27 (0)31 460 3000
       located in Durban.                   E-mail:
       Date Established: 1954               Website:
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