Page 45 - 2019\20 KZN Top Business Portfolio - EBOOK
P. 45



       ENSURING DEVELOPMENT                    ƒ Provide services where local municipalities do not
                                               have the capacity to do so
       Under the South African system of representative
       democracy, the local sphere of government has   District Development Agencies
       evolved to consist of 257 municipalities who have   At a KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Cabinet Lekgotla
       the right to govern their own communities, subject to   held on 11 -13 September 2012, a resolution was
       national and provincial legislation. These municipalities   taken to establish District Development Agencies
       comprise eight metropolitan, 44 district and 205 local   (DDAs) to provide effective business and investor
       municipalities.                      facilitation and support to reduce regulatory
       Local government in KwaZulu-Natal is organised   burden. This concept is intended to serve as future
       into the eThekwini Metropolitan Council, and ten   local economic growth drivers of all the district and
       district municipalities, namely: Amajuba; iLembe;   local municipalities in KZN. A key aspect of this
       Harry Gwala; Ugu; uMgungundlovu; uMkhanyakude;   programme  is to promote the  active  involvement
       uMzinyathi; uThukela; King Cetshwayo and Zululand.    of  the  private  sector  in  the  planning  and
       Each district is further divided into a varying number   implementation of catalytic commercial economic
       of local municipalities. The KZN Department of Co-  development initiatives at the local level.
       operative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA)
       is responsible for performing oversight and support to   The agencies will create an enabling environment in
       its municipalities.                  which  local people,  institutions  and  businesses can
                                            take realistic and practical decisions to strengthen
       The district municipalities have important roles to play   the local economies, create more jobs at local level
       to support municipalities to perform responsibilities   and promote new enterprises.
       for which they possess neither the finances nor human
       resources. The role of districts, according to the   The following agencies have been established:
       Municipal Structures Act, is to ensure the, “integrated,     ƒ Enterprise iLembe:
       sustainable, and equitable social and economic
       development of its area as a whole”.      ƒ Harry Gwala Development Agency:
       Essentially, the role of district municipalities is to:    ƒ Umhlosinga Development Agency:
         ƒ Ensure integrated development planning for the
          district as a whole                  ƒ uThukela Economic Development Agency
         ƒ Promote bulk infrastructure and services
         ƒ Build the capacity of weaker local municipalities    ƒ Hibiscus Coast Development Agency:
         ƒ Facilitate economies of scale
         ƒ Encourage a measure of redistribution of      ƒ Midlands Economic Development Agency
          resources between municipalities and more      ƒ Okhahlamba Development Agency:
          equitable services        
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