Page 58 - 2019\20 KZN Top Business Portfolio - EBOOK
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                                            Darnall sugar milling operations at Stanger and the
                                            Sappi Paper mills at Mandeni. The commercial farming
                                            areas of KwaDukuza, Mandeni and Ndwedwe (31% of
                                            the iLembe District) are mainly under privately owned
                                            sugar cane.
                                            The most distinguishable characteristic of the
                                            Maphumulo Local Municipality is its predominantly
                                            rural nature. Sugar cane cultivation is the main
                                            economic activity and land use in the municipality.
                                            Ndwedwe Local Municipality consists mainly of poor
                                            black communities whose livelihood depends on
                                            subsistence farming.
                                            The northern areas of Ndwedwe, the central corridor
       iLembe District Municipality is well positioned between   of Mandeni and KwaDukuza Municipality are the
       two of the busiest ports in Africa, namely Durban   commercial farming hubs of the district, which include
       and Richards Bay. In addition, the municipality’s   forestry, fruit and vegetable farming, tunnel farming,
       proximity to King Shaka International Airport, new   and fresh cut flowers.
       schools, hospitals, regional retail centres and multiple   Village centres such as Maphumulo and Ndwedwe
       recreation options, as well as the temperate climate,   in the West, Nyoni and Mbizimbelwa in the north,
       are critical features of this north coast region.   comprise of commercial and service development in
       iLembe consists of the following local municipalities:   the rural areas. They largely exist in association with
       KwaDukuza, Mandeni, Maphumulo and Ndwedwe. The   a magistrate’s court, clinic, pension pay point, health,
       district is made up of 45 Traditional Authorities (TA)   education and welfare office or similar state service.
       areas where settlement is controlled according to a   Despite its strategic location, iLembe faces numerous
       traditional land tenure system.      economic challenges such as the high levels of poverty
       The diverse culture of this region has been shaped   in the rural inland areas, which contrasts with rapid
       by people from three continents; Africa, India, and   development along its coastal regions. The District
       Europe, offering a unique vibrancy to the municipality.   has been proactive in developing Enterprise iLembe,
       iLembe District is committed to people’s development,   a broad-based institution aimed at facilitating local
       building unity and a sense of belonging across racial   economic development in response to its challenges
       and cultural barriers.               of high rates of unemployment and correspondingly
                                            high levels of poverty.
       In KwaDukuza, Ballito is the central business hub
       for the rapidly growing economic corridor between
       Umhlanga and Richards Bay. The municipality has
       several well-established and popular tourism and
       residential developments including Brettenwood,
       Zimbali, Simbithi, Dunkirk, Seaward, Shortens, Umhlali
       Country Club, Caledon and Palm Lakes. Many others
       are under development.
       Mandeni Local Municipality is located midway between
       Durban and Richards Bay, and lies on the development
       corridor on the north coast between these two major
       port cities in KwaZulu-Natal. The municipality is
       strategically located to provide service and derive
       economic benefits from this development corridor.
       Industrial development is concentrated in KwaDukuza,
       iSithebe and Darnall, most notably the Gledhow and

       CONTACT DETAILS                      Postal Address: P.O. Box 1788, KwaDukuza, 4450
       Physical Address: iLembe House, 59/61 Mahatma   Tel: +27 (0)32 437 9300
       Gandhi Street, KwaDukuza, 4450       Website:
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