Page 87 - 2019\20 KZN Top Business Portfolio - EBOOK
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Occupational Health & Safety Act, ISO 9001 and Environment
HASSP standards. A dedicated OHS Officer conducts Capitol Caterers is committed to reducing its carbon
regular internal audits and ensures training on food footprint and imposes their Environmental Policy and
safety, hygiene and industrial kitchen standards. strict recycling regimes at all client sites. A current
Dietetics initiative is the zero usage of polystyrene containers;
The Dietetics Department offers nutritional support substituted with eco-friendly and recyclable packaging.
and contributes to the wellness needs of the company’s The company is currently in discussion with the Waste
clients. Their primary functions include menu analysis Picker’s Association to identify a centralised recycling
and reports, menu design and review, education on facility in Pietermaritzburg; with the objective of
special diets and allergy considerations. The dieticians entering into a formalised partnership and job creation
also design educational material and regularly conduct opportunities.
talks on the importance of healthy nutrition and INDUSTRY SECTORS
balanced lifestyle practices. Education
Midlands Hospitality Academy As a market leader in the education sector, the company
Capitol Caterers believes in upskilling their staff and strives to create a home away from home experience by
to continuously develop their expertise. One of the providing nutritious, balanced and tasty food. Providing
tools to enable this goal has been the establishment a creative flair with functions , innovative meal plans
of the Midlands Hospitality Academy (MHA), which is and on-going student education on the nutritional value
of the food served provides a comforting assurance to
accredited by the QCTO and by CATHSSETA.
both parents and clients.
Learnership opportunities are offered to both employed Healthcare
and unemployed applicants. The programmes run for
a 12-month period and include comprehensive theory, Capitol Caterers understands that nutrition is a vital part
practical and workplace experience components. The of patient care and their rehabilitation. Meal plans are
academy has partnered with various training providers overseen by a dedicated dietician who considers each
who educate the students in the latest trends in the patients’ dietary requirements. There is significant focus
hospitality environment. on therapeutic diets and infection control.
During the 2017 / 2018 training year period, 20 Commercial
unemployed candidates were enrolled for a Cost effective catering solutions for canteens are
National Certificate in Professional Cookery and 20 provided within the corporate and industrial sectors.
employed candidates for a National Certificate in The emphasis is on employee wellness and in providing
Generic Management. healthy and hearty meals within the defined time frames
and operating requirements of each organisation.
The company supports the development and
employment of disabled individuals. Four employees Retirement
are currently participating in a registered learnership The residents at retirement facilities become part
with ICAN (PMI Group). A partnership with the of the Capitol Caterers family and look forward to
Department of Social Development and Mental Health the serving of balanced meals, personalised dietary
has, over the past year, enabled six people living with considerations, fantastic functions and excellent service
disabilities to be integrated into the workforce. from compassionate staff.
Full Name of Company: Itakane Trading 47 (Pty) Ltd KEY PERSONNEL
T/A Capitol Caterers Chairman: Giles King
Nature of Business: Business Services Managing Directors: Russell Nzimande and Merrill King
Services / Products: Catering and value-added Financial Manager: Russell Tredway
Sales and Marketing Manager: Raymond Hodgson
services including procurement, recipe and menu Human Resources Director: Janet Mill
planning, kitchen management, dietetics, kitchen Procurement Director: Vaughn Robinson
design and consulting
Date Established: July 1992 CONTACT DETAILS
Subsidiaries: Midlands Hospitality Academy; Capitol Head Office
Physical Address: 121 Jabu Ndlovu Street,
Caterers Swaziland; Falini Food Services Pietermaritzburg, 3200
Customer Base: Education, healthcare, retirement and Postal Address: P.O. Box 3572, Pietermaritzburg, 3201
commercial sectors Tel: +27 (0)33 394 0310
No. of Employees: 1496 E-mail:
B-BBEE Status: Level 1 Website: