Page 103 - KZN Top Business Portfolio eBook -2024
P. 103

Three generations later, the established tyre experts   SERVICES
         have remained loyal to family and it is now headed   Complete Tyre Package
         by Mrs Jasmeena Shiba(daughter) Mr Pranav Patel   The company boasts an exceptionally large stock
         (son), Mr Akshay Patel(son) and Mr Nayan Shiba   holding of 50 plus brands of various tyres and rims
         (son-in-law).                       with sufficient capacity to deliver products nationally
         Human Resources & Workforce         through its network of branches and affiliations situated
                                             in both the coastal and inland areas.
         The company is segregated into two specialised
         divisions, Commercial and Passenger with a team   The vast tyre stock holding consists of the local tyre
         of experienced personnel in the tyre industry,   manufacturers and premium international brand
         providing customers with a highly skilled resource   suppliers as well as an entire range of brands that
         team who are able to provide expert service and   are directly imported from various countries ranging
         value to its customers.             from your entry level economy tyres to more mid-tier
                                             value for money brands, and then a few high-quality
         The objective of the newly established Human Resources   brands as well.
         Department at Royal Tyres is to attract, develop, and retain
         a diverse and talented workforce through innovative   Technology
         recruitment processes. In addition, the company strives   Royal Tyres employs highly skilled and experienced staff
         to foster a productive work environ-ment where people   and the fitting department is no exception. A combination
         feel valued and ensuring compliance with respective   of these employees and the latest equipment make for
         legislation applicable to labour and its industry.  some of the most trusted tyre fitments in the country
                                             Royal Tyres links expertise and automation with quality
         SPECIALISED DIVISIONS               and  efficiency  in  every  single  tyre  replacement  and
         Passenger & Light Commercial Vehicle Division  fitting, wheel alignment and balancing. This same
                                             approach is adopted in supplying and fitting batteries,
         Providing a range of wheel and tyre products and   shocks and other parts. Each branch is fitted with state-
         associated services for business fleets or family   of-the-art modern technology with skilled staff that set
         vehicles, or luxury mag wheels for the motoring   Royal Tyres ahead of other players in the industry.
         enthusiast, Royal Tyres has all that the customer
         needs.                              Royal  Tyres  makes  use  of  the  best  wheel  balancing
                                             technology,  the  Road  Force®  Elite  at-a-glance.  3D
         Commercial Division                 wheel  alignment  allows  our  mechanics  to  perform
         The Commercial Division is focused on reducing our   the most precise wheel alignment on all types of cars.
         customer fleets’ tyre related costs by an offering of   Supply Chain
         almost any product a customer may require backed   The establishment of three branches over the years in Port
         by industry leading service and decades of knowledge   Shepstone, Harding and Hammarsdale has increased the
         and expertise housed in a prime location with state   company’s capacity, customer base, turnover and buying
         of-the-art equipment and processes. The Commercial   power annually. In more recent times the wholesaling
         Division provides a range of tyre, wheel and automotive   sales segment has drastically increased, further building
         products for multiple product applications.  its supply chain reach and capacity.

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