Page 105 - KZN Top Business Portfolio eBook -2024
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The RR Group of companies is a majority Black
women-owned company and women-led enterprise
with females holding majority of our leadership
positions. And while maintaining a BBBEE level-1
company audit, the group supports Black-owned
businesses aggressively. The Group is operating on
various sectors including but not limited to; energy
and petroleum, bulk fuel delivery (logistics), health
care manufacturing, telecommunication, quick-
service restaurants, and property development and
management portfolios.
Mrs Esayvanie Reddy as director and the Group CEO,
is an accomplished business woman with over 30
plus years of experience in the Petroleum, Quick
Service Restaurant, Healthcare Manufacturing, Tele-
communications and Distribution Industry. Her main
focus is on building high growth businesses with solid
balance sheets and exponentially growing profit and
loss functions to ensure business going-concern, job
security for her people and sustainable returns for
the shareholders. As an astute business leader with
wealth of experience, Mrs. Reddy oversees sound
strategic manifestation and delegation across all
business functions, ensures profitability and is he chief
custodian of the Group’s brand image.
KO-LAY HOME OF CHICKEN is in both the wholesale
RR Group prides itself on establishing self-sustaining
business models which in return allows them to and retail sector. They have a fully-fledged production
give back to their communities in the form of job(s) plant known as our Central Kitchen that does the
creation, business opportunities, low-cost-high-quality production of both sauce and chicken. The above
products and Corporate Social Investment initiatives. products mentioned are delivered to not only their retail
stores and restaurants, but they also supply a host of other
With vast scope of operations and sector engagement food outlets around KwaZulu-Natal and Johannesburg.
in which RR Group functions, the following enlisted Ko-Lay’s Flagship Restaurant is based at 397 Chris Hani
companies expend the execution of each sector Road and provides both grilled and fried products.
KZN OILS AND KZN OILS TRANSPORT plays a key company that manufactures and imports medical
role in the logistics, sales, and marketing of petroleum- dressings and related products. Our main lines are
related products in South Africa. They provide high crepe bandages, swabs, tampons and gauze products.
quality logistics services and have access to storage They utilise locally sourced raw material for our finished
tanks in Durban and Richards Bay and operate their products. CHC is tender based and distributes their
own depots in Greytown, Harrismith, and Newcastle. products to hospitals nationally. Their bulk distribution
As well as supply and manage 37 service stations also includes wholesalers. And their customer base
under the Caltex brand. includes doctors, vets, pharmacies and clinics. Staff are
JD TELECOM was born from their passion for wanting trained internally on all processes from start to finish.
to uplift local communities in respect of providing KVK PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT is a fairly new
basic internet access via satellite. Their focus is on the company. However, the construction teams were
health and education sectors as well as small business formed many years ago to project manage and develop
development. JD Telecom has also partnered with service stations and commercial properties. With their
various core service providers which offers a wide range expertise in property development and construction,
of connectivity and value-added services through KVK was able to expand into residential properties aside
various dealer channels. from the commercial space. 103