Page 110 - KZN Top Business Portfolio eBook -2024
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We are a team that is driven on excellence and making
the law applicable and available. We provide sound
legal advice and solutions to problems. We make the
law work for you!
Gradatim Ad Altiora
CEO: Ms Shamla Pather
Ms Shamla Pather Associates: Tristan Evan Barker, Kerissa Naidoo
Conveyancer: Yaksha Devi Doorgha
Full Name of Company: Shamla Pather Attorneys CONTACT DETAILS
Nature of Business : Law Firm Physical Address: 2 Richefond Circle, 2nd Floor, Suite 202
Services / Products: Legal Services Ridgeside Office Park
Tel: +27 (0)31 003 8971
Date Established: 1 April 2019 Cell/WhatsApp+27 (0)66 244 5405
Customer Base: High net worth clients
No. of Employees :11 BRANCHES
B-BBEE Status: Level 1 Durban and Johannesburg
A SPECIALIST LEGAL PRACTICE Shamla was a keen athlete at school who focused
more on athletics than school at the time. She learned
at a tender age that hard work, training and dedication
Shamla Pather Attorneys Inc. is a specialist legal practice, is key to success. She apparently still uses an athlete’s
whose dynamic and hardworking founder created her focus to give her foresight, strength and endurance.
brand based on her personal circumstances, feminine
touch and passion for excellence. Shamla and her team “The start of any problem for me is like a fast sprint
have more than 25 years of experience, with Shamla race. I have done my preparation and training and I am
dominating the legal fraternity in the last 25 years. ready. My team are with me and all we have to focus
on is the last 50 metres. I know that with confidence
Shamla completed her BProc degree in 1994, at
the then University of Durban Westville. She was and our natural legal endurance, we will succeed.”
admitted as an attorney in January 1998, and received The Team
a Certificate of Outstanding Performance from the Shamla has handpicked her team and has offered
School of Legal Practice. Shamla is also a member of the dedicated teaching which enables them to work at
very prestigious International Bar Association which optimum level.
is an affiliation of more than 10 000 players globally.
Shamla has been invited to attend conferences in lndia, She has consultants who have pooled in their
Australia, Washington and London. She has been the knowledge and resources to the team, and they have
recipient of many awards, including Top Achiever in been in practice in excess of 45 years. It is rather fulfilling
KZN, Business Woman of the Year, and most recently to see these senior legal practitioners taking their lead
she has been nominated as Best Law Firm in KZN. from Shamla, given her innovative and spirited practice.
Shamla has spoken at conferences both locally and The team are intuitive to changes in the law and the
abroad and is a member of many local organisations. different legal experiences and techniques that are