Page 111 - KZN Top Business Portfolio eBook -2024
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required. Shamla encourages forward thinking, and Estate Law (Deceased Estates)
she invests in research in the form of technology Litigation (Civil and Criminal)
and communication, useful software and a variety Administrative Law (Incorporating Media,
of technology and methodologies for prompt Constitutional and Procurement Law)
streamline services.
Conveyancing and Property Law. The firm
Some clients have specific requirements in order to employs a senior conveyancer and paralegal with a
achieve their objectives and the practice invests in conveyancer being admitted in excess of 30 years.
this without reservation. They treat their clients like Labour Law
family, taking a vested interest in their matters and Corporate Governance Law, Company Law, Risk
their issues. and Compliance
‘Actions Speak Louder than Words’ is what drives
this firm constantly. Together with a team that is Social Upliftment
dedicated, has the utmost integrity, and thrives on a Social upliftment is the reason Shamla is in practice.
high level of functionality and professionalism, the She works hard but never fails to pay it forward.
team is undeterred of meeting every challenge. What She is a patron to many charitable institutions and
you see is what you get. contributes both financially and with physical labour.
She has roped in many individuals and businesses in
The Firm’s Services
her charity drives so as to create awareness and to
The firm has been exposed to work in practically ensure that the programmes are fulfilled.
every province in South Africa, and has already made
footprints in Europe, Asia and North America. In evaluating what Shamla has accomplished so far,
she is content as she has uplifted countless individuals
The team is driven on excellence and making the and institutions over the years. She is a champion of
law applicable and available. They provide sound the downtrodden and spends many hours counselling
legal advice and solutions to problems. “We make those who need assistance. She has embraced many
the law work for you,” says Shamla. “However, we students into the firm, especially those who have had
are dependable and will not undertake a matter if social difficulties and needed nurturing. Shamla has
we are unable to deliver the desired results. We think a student volunteer programme and makes sure she
of everything to give the matter the best possible employs students every year.
perspectives to ensure that we are prepared to
represent you, the client, at the highest level.” She has always maintained that the most rewarding
feeling, and better than winning any case, is when you
Services include: have touched someone’s life and made a difference.
Commercial Law (Incorporating Corporate, Shamla has also done numerous pro bona matters
Insolvency, Insurance and Contract Law) and has given talks on behalf of 109