Page 31 - KZN Top Business Portfolio eBook -2024
P. 31

         Argento Trading 117cc is a 100% black-owned, women-
         led Cut-Make-Trim (CMT) production facility based
         in Isithebe, KwaZulu-Natal. At the helm of Argento is
         the  passionate  and  tenacious  co-founder,  Joudalle
         Govender who works alongside her husband TK
         Govender (founder and operational director). The
         couple  are  breaking  boundaries  in  the  local clothing
         and textile sector and take immense pride in their
         predominantly woman-managed and owned team,
         a diverse group of dedicated individuals who work
         passionately to bring their vision to life. As  a  leading
         CMT factory specialising in manufacturing corporate
         and fashion apparel, the company’s commitment to
         excellence, social responsibility, and empowerment
         sets them apart in the industry.
                                             where inclusivity and collaboration are the driving
         Growth and Development              forces. “It’s no easy feat when you have to get 70 ladies
         Established with a vision for growth and community   to all be in agreement at any one time,” says Joudalle.
         impact, Argento Trading 117cc is a proudly South African   This dedication to creating a harmonious and empower-
         business that holds a unique position in the apparel   ing workplace has led Argento Trading to be recognised
         industry. In addition to their expertise in manufacturing   as the fastest-growing small medium enterprise
         corporate and fashion apparel, they have taken   through the SME Accelerator programme in 2023.
         strides to further enhance their vertical integration by
         establishing their own mill factory.  However, Joudalle  says that her biggest achievement,
                                             and  Argento’s  as  well,  has  been  opening  a  training
         The mill factory plays a vital role in their commitment   school  for  18  young  women  from  rural  areas.  She
         to producing high-quality garments. With state-of-the-  commented, ‘I think the training school was a highlight
         art equipment and skilled technicians, they are able to   for me as a leader, which goes far beyond just monetary
         produce their own premium cotton fabric.  value, as leaving a legacy behind is important.”
         This vertical integration not only ensures the superior   Primary Audiences
         quality of their products but also allows them to have   Argento Trading 117cc products cater for two primary
         greater control over the entire production process, from   audiences:
         raw material to the finished garment.
                                                ƒ Corporate Clients: This includes businesses,
         Argento Trading 117cc takes great pride in contributing      organisations, and institutes seeking high-quality
         to the growth and development of the local textile and      and customised corporate apparel for their staff.
         apparel industry. By producing their cotton locally, they     ƒ Fashion Brands: They partner with fashion brands
         support the local economy and create job opportunities      looking for a reliable manufacturing partner to
         for talented individuals in their region. Moreover, this      bring their brands to life with precision
         approach aligns perfectly with their core values of      and finesse. Argento Trading has successfully
         empowerment and social responsibility, as they actively      manufactured for well-known brands.
         invest in the well-being of their community.
                                             A Lasting Legacy
         Core Values
         Their journey towards becoming a leader in the industry   As Argento Trading continues to grow, they remain
                                             committed to their mission of empowering individuals
         has been driven by the dedication of their pre-  from disadvantaged areas, nurturing their skills, and
         dominantly woman-managed and owned team. Under   positively impacting their wellness. Their ultimate vision
         Joudalle’s visionary leadership, Argento Trading, has   is to be recognised as a brand that embodies social
         evolved into a thriving company with a predominantly   responsibility and integrity, not just within our nation
         female workforce of 70 employees.   but on an international stage.
         Joudalle has  been the  driving  force behind  Argento   Argento Trading 117cc is more than just a CMT factory;
         Trading’s success, consistently upholding the company’s   they are a symbol of progress, innovation, and pride for
         core values of excellence, empowerment, inclusivity,   our nation. They invite you to be a part of their journey
         social responsibility, and integrity.  as they create a lasting legacy in the apparel industry,
         One of her most significant achievements, she believes,   driven by their unwavering commitment to quality,
         is fostering a culture of stability within her company,   empowerment, and the spirit of South Africa.

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