Page 41 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
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and facilitation of market access for KwaZulu- model is to scientifically identify probable markets for
Natal exporters. Their operational activities include KZN Exporters. Using several intricate databases
the facilitation of trade missions, planning for with appropriate filtering mechanisms, the model
exhibitions, implementation of training programmes can give an indication of the likelihood and oppor-
and responding to various enquiries. tunities available in markets across the globe for
specific products.
TIKZN has tailor-made support for emerging,
existing and established exporters whom are Export Week
keen on sharpening their capabilities in exporting. Export Week is an annual programme and 2018
Both group and one-on-one support are available will mark the 7th year for this event. This event was
with international best practices being sourced so developed to recognise, promote and assist with the
exporters are encouraged to take advantage of this growing of KwaZulu-Natal’s export businesses and
opportunity as well. industries. Through a comprehensive programme
For more seasoned exporters: of activities, it provides professional development
TIKZN has collaborated with the Netherlands and information on growth sectors and market
through the PUM programme. opportunities to KwaZulu-Natal’s new and existing
PUM Netherlands is a global mentorship exporters and internationally focused businesses.
programme that brings well experienced retired One of the highlights of Export Week is the KZN
business leaders to South Africa to mentor Exporter of the Year Awards Banquet, which show-
exporters to grow their markets. cases emerging and established exporters of a
TIKZN assists with the selection, recruitment of wide range of goods and services. The awards are
exporters as well as the facilitation of the facilitated by the Durban Chamber of Commerce and
application of this programme. Industry and supported by other strategic partners.
On the export promotion side, TIKZN assists by One Stop Shop
facilitating market access in various countries by A One Stop Shop has been established to promote
assisting exporters to participate in exhibitions the ease of doing business in the province and
and trade missions as well as engaging with inward to help facilitate investment. The facility will
delegations. Trade events include the Southern assist with common challenges and address
African Development Community (SADC) and other serious bottlenecks in projects in an efficient and
African countries like Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe, transparent manner. Instead of going to twenty
Seychelles, Madagascar and Mauritius. There are also offices you will now be able to go to only one
trade events that investigate our traditional markets window to access most of the relevant government
like the USA, UK and China to name a few. agencies such as South African Revenue Services,
Using technology and tools such as the KZN Export the departments of Labour, Home Affairs, Trade and
Information Portal and the Decision Support Model Industry and CIPC. The One Stop Shop is located at
(DSM), TIKZN can provide a more value-added Trade & Investment House at the Kingsmead Office
service to the export community. The purpose of the Park in Durban.
Name of Company: Trade & Investment KwaZulu-Natal KEY PERSONNEL
Nature of Business: Trade and investment promotion Chairperson of TIKZN Board: Ina Cronje
agency In terms of what the organisation does, it is Chief Executive Officer (Acting): Mr Neville Matjie
mandated to: CONTACT DETAILS
Promote, brand and market KwaZulu-Natal as an Durban Office
investment destination
Facilitate trade by assisting local companies to access Physical Address: Trade & Investment House,
international markets Kingsmead Office Park, Kingsmead Boulevard,
Identify, develop and package investment Stalwart Simelane Street, Durban, 4001, South Africa
opportunities in KwaZulu-Natal Postal Address: PO Box 4245, Durban, 4000
Provide a professional service to all clientele Tel: +27 (0)31 368 9600 Fax: +27 (0)31 368 5888
Retain and expand trade and export activities Gauteng Office
Link opportunities to the developmental needs of the
KwaZulu-Natal community Physical Address: 99 George Storrar Avenue,
Groenkloof, Pretoria
VISION Postal Address: PO Box 10994, Centurion, Gauteng, 0046
To be the leader in developing and promoting export Tel: +27 (0)12 346 4386 Fax: +27 (0)86 501 0848
trade in KwaZulu-Natal and to position the province as E-mail:
a premier destination for investment. Website: