Page 55 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
P. 55
The economy of the area is heavily reliant upon the The town of Utrecht, nestling in the foothills of Balele
manufacturing sector. Newcastle’s industrial portfolio Mountain is unique in that it lies within the confines
is dominated by Karbochem, a synthetic rubber plant, of the Balele Community Game Park and the Utrecht
and Arcelor-Mittal Steelworks. Other large operations Community Game Farm. Therefore, it is not unusual to
include heavy engineering, a granite tile factory, steel find animals frequenting the outskirts of the town, parks
reinforcement, and a slagment cement plant. Newcastle and garden. This initiative by the local town council in
shows a competitive edge for the manufacturing of: conjunction with Balele Conservancy and motivated by
Aluminium-based products individual residents in the district, has brought about
High quality leather goods a shift in the town’s focus from industry to tourism.
Textiles and textile products eMadlangeni is the most important wool-producing
Clothing area in KwaZulu-Natal.
Automotive components Tourism
Metal products and machinery The Amajuba District Municipality Integrated Deve-
lopment Plan (IDP) has identified the tourism resources
The municipality prides itself on the achievements of the Amajuba District as one of the key potentials for
that have been made in the past 20 years, successful economic development in the district, these resources
projects include: eco parks and an outdoor gym, the include:
Clifford Manana Bridge (Asiphephe), Kwa-Mathukuza
housing projects, and the eTheku mall. Cultural and Historical, including the Mangosuthu
Arts and Craft centre and the battlefields where
Small Rural Service Centre the Boer, British and Zulu battles took place.
Dannhauser Local Municipality is the smallest munici- The three urban centres of Newcastle, Utrecht and
pality within the district and is named after an old farming Dannhauser have a good mix of Voortrekker,
family that lived in the area. Dannhauser functions as a colonial and eastern structures.
small rural service centre (providing commercial and
service facilities and agricultural industries and services) Efforts are under way by Amafa KwaZulu-Natal
and is not a large employment generator. Residents of to list and protect the architectural resources in
the municipal area rely on the larger urban centres of Amajuba.
Dundee and Newcastle for employment opportunities Eco-tourism: birding and hiking
and higher order goods and services. Outdoor adventures: 4x4 trails, white water
rafting and kayaking, abseiling, gliding and
A Vast Rural Area
micro-lighting, quad bikes, horse riding.
eMadlangeni Local Municipality consists of a vast
rural area when compared to other municipalities in Hunting and fishing.
the district. The municipality has a low percentage of Specific events such as festivals and
economic activity. sporting competitions.
Municipal Demaraction Boards Code: DC25 Effective public participation.
Head Office Location: Newcastle is 96km north Vibrant Local Economic Development - Integrated
of Ladysmith Service Delivery.
Municipal Area (km ): 6 909.4km² Intergovernmental Relations.
Population (Estimated): ± Total 491 102 KEY PERSONNEL
Local Municipalities: Mayor: Cllr MG Ngubane
Dannhauser: Deputy Mayor: Cllr Sipho Nkosi
Newcastle: Speaker: Cllr Afzul Rehman
eMadlangeni: Municipal Manager: Mr Linda Africa
VISION Physical Address: B9356 Amajuba Building,
Amajuba will be a leading and pioneering District Madadeni, 2951
characterised by sustainable development and quality Postal Address: Private Bag X6615, Newcastle, 2940
Tel: +27 (0)34 329 7200
The Amajuba District Municipality will champion good Website:
governance through: