Page 52 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
P. 52




                                            Invest Durban offer FREE
       INVESTMENT                              ƒ Investment information and facilitation services
                                               ƒ Immigration, import and legal services
       Invest Durban  (previously DIPA) is a unit of the     ƒ Business establishment and incentives
       eThekwini Municipality recommended by the Durban     ƒ Investor administration services
       City Council and organised private business as the
       most  appropriate  vehicle  to  promote  and  facilitate   The thrust of Durban’s proposition to attract investors
       new investment into the Durban metropolis.  can be put into three broad categories:
                                               ƒ Premium destination; a business and lifestyle
       Invest Durban works together with organisations such      environment most conducive to profitable,
       as the Department of Trade & Industry including Invest      sustainable investments
       SA, Trade and Investment KZN (TIKZN), the Durban     ƒ Catalytic Projects, which have the potential to
       Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the KZN Growth      shift the socio-economic landscape and trigger a
       Coalition, and State-Owned Enterprises such as Dube      series of investments across several sectors
       TradePort, the DBSA, IDC, Eskom and others.     ƒ Key Sectors, which receive the focus of planners
       Invest Durban’s primary objective is to accelerate      in a variety of ways, including the creation of clusters
       sustainable investment in Durban for the benefit of all      and the development of value chains to promote
       through the:                            new ventures and investment opportunities
         ƒ Proactive investment promotion and marketing of    Catalytic Projects
          Durban Metro as a premium investment destination  Durban is working on a number of large-scale
         ƒ Proactive communication and marketing of the City’s    projects that have the potential to make a regional
          catalytic investment projects and core strategies  impact. The location of these projects is vital. They
         ƒ Identification and development of new investment    must either be on national trade routes or they should
          especially for previously disadvantaged groups  help to break down the old apartheid living/working
         ƒ Attraction, support and facilitation for prospective    dynamics.  Projects  are  selected  for  their scale  in
          new foreign investors in Durban plus investor    terms of job creation, investment size and potential
         aftercare                          revenue creation. Ideally, the projects should include
         ƒ Improvement in the investment and economic    a combination of functions (retail, commercial and
          development environment, in partnership with the    housing, for example) and they should fit in with the
          national, provincial, city and business authorities  UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

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