Page 12 - KZN Business Sense 4.4
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more success For busiNessFit iN loNdoN!

             usinessFit executives, David   BusinessFit team and has already   model and his reference to it in a   David White.
             White and Charles Henzi,   had follow up discussions with   parliamentary address was made.                              businessFit is a
        Bmade their third trip (in    Miller.                        Upon being presented with a   sharon constanςon               formally constituted
        less than a year) to London in                              Magic Moments Trust item ( a   CEO Valufin (Forex service       black female owned
        August 2018. They have come   Kathi scott                   fabric painted artwork produced   provider) and Genius Methods
        back enthusing about the business   Executive director (UK) Nelson   by members of a disadvantaged,   in the UK. Constanςon is also   enterprise comprising
        opportunities that have been   Mandela Children’s Fund (NMCF).   rural community in KwaZulu-  the chair of the South African   a team of experienced
        uncovered with the help of their                            Natal), Tambo immediately     Chamber of Commerce UK.         business owners. they
        new United Kingdom (UK)        Miller masterminded the      proposed that, as part of a   She was most impressed with     have grouped together
        partner, Mike Miller. A seasoned   Miracles for Kids campaign that   Freedom Day event planned for 27   the BusinessFit project and its   to pool their respective
        corporate business leader and   raised R3 million during his   April 2019 at South Africa House,   forward thinking plans and   skills and knowledge,
        entrepreneur in both South Africa   corporate career twenty years   London, that a group of the   pledged the support of the   with the common
        and the UK, Miller has undertaken   ago in South Africa and since he   artists be invited to demonstrate   South African Chamber in   objective of helping
        to be the BusinessFit UK partner.   arrived in the UK to set up The                       realising the project’s aims.    support the growth and
                                      South African Shop franchise in   their skills to and collaborate
          The carefully selected contacts   the UK in 1999, he has worked   with young UK artists. In the   She enthusiastically approved   development of small
        were seen in the following order   with Scott on initiatives to raise   meantime she undertook to create   of BusinessFit’s desire to be   and medium businesses.
        from 21st to 24th August.     funds for the NMCF in the UK.   a display of the Magic Moments   appointed to the Chamber’s   the team has done this
                                                                    Trust products in the High    EXCO team in South Africa,      because they know that
        rob cannavo                   richard swart                 Commission. Tambo said that   which was agreed in principle.  south africa’s economic
          South African CEO of Codex   Director of the South African   this was the best meeting that she   anthony Platt          future depends upon
        Capital and an active member of   Chamber of Commerce in London,   had had since arriving in London                         a vibrant and ever-
        the SA Chamber of Commerce UK  based in Yorkshire, has pledged   to take up her new role four   Previously CFO of an AE&CI   growing small and
        EXCO and business ambassador.   his support for the BusinessFit   months ago.             subsidiary in South Africa,    medium business sector.
        Previously with the SADTI in   initiative.                   On the back of that Miller   he is now CEO of Thames
        London, he worked with Miller on                            wrote to British Prime Minister   Bridge in Maidenhead who are
        the original formation of the South   her excellency tembi tambo,   Theresa May whom he’d met on   accountants to the Maidenhead   recent visit to South Africa and
        African Chamber in London.     South African High           several occasions as president   Chamber of Commerce and    your successful meetings with
        Cannavo was very enthusiastic at   Commissioner to Her Majesty   of the Maidenhead Chamber   to Miller’s company, SAJE   President Ramaphosa and HE
        the prospect of working as part of   Queen Elizabeth’s government.   of Chamber of Commerce. He   international Ltd. The meeting   Tembi Tambo, South African
        the UK BusinessFit team and is                              outlined the BusinessFit initiative   was followed up by Miller a few   High Commissioner to Her
        having follow up discussions with   Tambo was briefed on    and demonstrated how it could   days later to answer any queries   Majesty’s government, I felt it
        Miller to plan the way forward.  BusinessFit objectives,    foster new trading opportunities   that Platt had and he too pledged   opportune to write to you to
                                      methodology, achievements and                               his support for the project.  outline the work that the South
        rob clark                     aspirations. This information   between the two countries.                                African Chamber UK and its
          Treasurer of the South African   was received enthusiastically,   david butler          ross wilson                   associates, DRG, BusinessFit
                                      with an undertaking to make
        Chamber of Commerce UK        mention to President Ramaphosa   Previously CEO of the       Chairman of Wilson Partners   and the Magic Moments Trust
        and CEO of Inyati Consulting   whom she was meeting during   South African Chamber and    providing accounting, tax     in South Africa are doing
        specialising in commercial,   the course of the UK Prime    now involved in educating     and advisory Services. Ross   for sustainable entrepreneur
        financial and operational     Minister’s visit to South Africa.   disadvantaged black children   is a fellow of the Institute of   development and job creation.
        management. He too was very   Mention of BusinessFit letter   in London. The meeting was   Directors (IOD) and a past chair  David White and Charles
        enthusiastic at the prospect   to President Ramaphosa on the   via Skype. Butler, who is also   of the IOD in Berkshire. Wilson   Henzi, senior executives from
        of working as part of the UK   BusinessFit employment creation   involved in advising mining   is now an IOD ambassador. He   Business Fit and DRG spent last
                                                                    companies in South Africa on   impressed us with a philosophy   week in the UK and I arranged
                                                                    security and governance issues,   of providing services ‘beyond   several meetings with leading
                                                                    pledged his support for the   the profession’, i.e. helping   entrepreneurs in the South
                                                                    BusinessFit project.          clients achieve sustainability   African workspace here which
                                                                                                  and growth! As such, he has   were very successful. We are
                                                                    john battersby                formed close partnerships     working with BusinessFit, DRG
                                                                     Currently a director of the   with his client base. Wilson   and The Magic Moments Trust
                                                                    South African Chamber of      represents a useful contact for   here in the UK to help South
                                                                    Commerce in London, Battersby   enterprises in the best-practice   African companies to enter the
                                                                    is a former editor of the Sunday   service provision sector.  UK market if they have products
                                                                    Independent in South Africa and   Our interactions, from    that will be sustainable in the UK
                                                                    foreign correspondent for the                               marketplace while at the same
                                                                    New York Times and Christian   a Chamber of Commerce        time helping UK companies to
                                                                    Science Monitor when he was   perspective, revealed the     enter the South African market
                                                                    working in Johannesburg. He   opportunity for BusinessFit   with equally sustainable products
                                                                    was the UK Country Manager    UK, in close association with   and services.” 
                                                                    for Brand South Africa from   the South African Chamber,
                                                                    2004 to 2015. He was heavily   to play a facilitation role in   A response to the letter has
                                                                    involved in the Nelson Mandela   supporting South African   already been received from
                                                                    Centenary exhibition in London   businesses wishing to enter   Theresa May’s constituency PA
                                                                    and is a global peace ambassador   the UK market and UK-based   and the Prime Minister’s office.
                                                                    for the Tutu Foundation       business establishing themselves   There is no doubt that the
                                                                    UK. Battersby was extremely   in South Africa. We explored   whirlwind London visit was a
                                                                    interested in the BusinessFit   the possibility of providing   huge success in driving the aims
                                                                    project and pledged his support.   opportunities for BusinessFit
                                                                    Battersby has authored an     beneficiaries to spend time with   of DRG, BusinessFit and the
                                                                                                                                Magic Moments Trust in the
                                                                    article in The Daily Maverick   selected UK businesses for best-
                                                                    on Theresa May’s recent visit to   practice mentoring.      UK forward. We look forward to
                                                                    South Africa which reinforced   Mike Miller in his letter to   working with businesses in both
                                                                    the notion of imminent,       Theresa May said “Given your   countries to fulfil the aim of job
                                                                    post- Brexit, expanded trade                                creation in South Africa. 
                                                                     “That was one of the best
                                                                    meetings that we had. Battersby’s
                                                                    contacts in the UK and South
                                                                    African governments will
                                                                    be extremely useful to the
        David White, Charles Henzi, HE Tembi Tambo (with Magic Moments piece)   BusinessFit project,” said
        and Mike Miller … in South Africa House.

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