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GrowiNG PaiNs – a healthY balaNce oF oPtimism
aNd PraGmatism
Ugen Moodley, technology-driven change as a executives, you can’t help but the increased reliance on data- 55 percent predicting cautious
Managing significant opportunity to disrupt be struck by the sheer volume driven models and analytics to revenue growth of less than
Director – KPMG, their sector. That optimism has and depth of the issues CEOs make decisions, the CEOs we 2 percent. Sadly 52 percent say
KwaZulu-Natal continued in 2018, with business are facing and how they are have spoken with are still relying they will need to hit growth
leaders showing great faith in personally focusing their efforts on the value of their experience targets before hiring new skills.
arlier the economic environment, both as leaders to face them. It’s and intuition in making the
this nationally and globally. However, not surprising in the current difficult strategic calls for the Being a leader in this period of
Eyear as the year has progressed that environment to see geopolitical future of their organisations. such profound disruption and
KPMG optimism has been tempered by issues rising up the CEO radar. opportunity poses immense
performed caution and realism, with a clear Geopolitics has officially hit Generational shifts are also personal and professional
our recognition that, in order to grow the boardroom. ‘A return to high on the agenda with over a challenges. Leaders around the
fourth their businesses, they need to territorialism’ is the number one third (38 percent) saying they world are more open to new
annual respond to an ever-expanding threat to growth. need to reposition their business thinking, learning new skills
Global spectrum of complex challenges to meet the needs of Millennials. and challenging convention
CEO and ‘growing pains’. While the Technology continues to The focus is on realistic growth. than ever before. Driving
Outlook where we reached out to CEOs surveyed still predicted command considerable attention There is optimism tempered by growth will require leaders
1,300 CEOs of large companies that their businesses will grow — as an enabler, a disruptor pragmatism. Most are optimistic to combine equal amounts of
from around the world to get in 2018, forecasts and actuals and, with the threat of cyber- about the macroeconomic resourcefulness and realism.
their views of the highest-priority are lower than last year and a attacks, a very significant risk. outlook, with 90 percent
opportunities and most daunting majority say they need to hit So much so that 49 percent say confident in their company’s
challenges they and their growth targets before they start that becoming the victim of a growth prospects while 67
businesses face. hiring new people. cyber-attack is a case of ‘when’, percent are confident in the
growth prospects for the global
not ‘if’. Data privacy is also
In 2017, we found CEOs excited Reviewing the results and understandably high on the economy. This is coupled with a
about the future: they saw the insights from these senior CEO agenda. And even with healthy dose of pragmatism with
thiNK Global: KZN the aFricaN trade hub
rade & Investment promotion opportunities
KwaZulu-Natal’s (TIKZN) between African countries;
TExport Week is scheduled ■ an exporters’ services and
to take place 1 - 5 October 2018 technology showcase expo
at the Inkhosi Albert Luthuli allowing delegates to interact
International Convention with suppliers to the sector;
Centre. Now in its seventh year, ■ extended networking and
the annual programme has dedicated B2B matchmaking
been developed to recognise, sessions on the exhibition floor,
promote and assist with growing socials and lunches;
export opportunities in the ■ co-location with the 6th
province, giving export ready annual African Ports and Rail
businesses a platform to enhance Evolution Forums attracting
their international business over 3000 participants from
development strategies.
Africa’s ports and logistics
KwaZulu-Natal is South sector – giving delegates even
Africa’s second largest economy, broader access to organisations
contributing on average, who can facilitate trade
16% to the country’s GDP. continentally.
The province is strategically
positioned by being home to The week concludes with
two of Africa’s busiest and a networking golf day and
largest ports: Durban and the ever-popular Exporter of
Richards Bay. It also boasts the the Year award hosted by the
third highest export propensity Durban Chamber of Commerce.
and the second highest level of KZN Export Week is a must
industrialisation in the country. attend for any export ready
“The essence of this week is organisation, whether seasoned
to create an understanding and and support on growth sectors “Export Week 2018 is going encouraging participants to or new to exporting. Delegates
awareness of the importance of and market opportunities to to be bigger and bolder, mixing think global and make can expect new opportunities
Exporting from South Africa KwaZulu-Natal’s new and enhanced networking with fresh KwaZulu-Natal the African to network with and learn
and KZN in particular, and existing exporters through a and new content. We are building trade hub; a Seasoned from industry heavyweights
how it can assist in bridging the comprehensive programme on last year’s success to create a Exporter Masterclass focusing and pioneers to transform new
trade deficit between imports of activities. platform where delegates can do on international trends, as ideas into action.
and exports,” says Lester Bouah, In addition, the exhibition more to accelerate export and well as an Inter-Africa Trade
Executive Manager: Export component creates a platform trade,” says Bouah. and Investment Dialogue For more information, please see
Development and Promotion at for exporters to engage with on how to foster and enhance
Trade Invest KwaZulu-Natal. service providers and experts Some of the exciting developments trade and investment
Not only will KZN (banks, freight forwarders, and add-ons for 2018 include:
Export Week highlight the export councils, economic ■ a hands-on, practical “Export
significance of exports for development agencies etc) that Essentials Seminar” targeted
the local economy but will can help them enhance their at emerging export companies;
also provide professional, exports and make it a seamless a content rich and strategic
developmental information process. two-day “Export Summit”