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traNsFormiNG iNFormal settlemeNts

                                                                    a scholarship from the Allan Gray   economy, which intends to work    Mthembu has a dream to speak
                                                                    Orbis Foundation. While there   informally, to contribute to the   more about what her company
                                                                    Mthembu fell pregnant with her   formal economy.”           can offer in the development
                                                                    son, so to be closer to her family,                         space so that her company’s name
                                                                                                   As a specialist in urban strategy
                                                                    she completed her degree at the   for developing countries,   is “on the lips of people”.
                                                                    University of KwaZulu-Natal.
                                                                                                  Mthembu is passionate about    In addition, her experiences of
                                                                     Mthembu was then awarded     finding pioneering solutions for   poverty and being a single mother
                                                                    a bursary by the Centre for   African cities that are inclusive   have shaped her. Mthembu
                                                                    Scientific and Industrial Research   and economically advantageous   is a strong advocate for equal
                                                                    to pursue her Postgraduate    for the urban poor. She says, “We   opportunities for women in
                                                                    Diploma in Urban Planning at   need to find African solutions   male-dominated fields such
                                                                    the University of Witwatersrand   and innovations to resolve   as the built environment; and
                                                                    in 2015.                      African urban development     for transformation of all issues
                                                                     Following which, in 2016,    challenges. I am committed to the   around racial equity and the
                                                                    Mthembu was appointed as a    transformation of the spaces in   empowerment of women.  As
                                                                    lecturer at the Durban University   which Africans live.  I want to do   such she seeks to expand her
                                                                                                                                personal growth and invest in
                                                                    of Technology in the Architecture   more than just design buildings.   her community through the
                                                                    Department.                   I would like to transform the
                                                                                                  spaces that people live in to make   procurement of her own skills
                                                                     In 2017, she completed her   them serve people. I want to   and others in her team.
                                                                    Master of Science in Urban    change people’s lives.”        In her free time, Mthembu
                                                                    Planning for Developing
                                                                    Countries and Transitional     Consequently, Mthembu has    is church leader with a special
                                                                                                                                interest in youth ministry. She is
                                                                    Regions at Oxford Brookes     built her academic career and   also the founder and currently the
                                                                    University on a prestigious   work experience to establish her   chairperson of Power Generation,
                                                                    Chevening Scholarship.        company as a consultancy firm
        Thandolwenkosi Mthembu                                      “Attending Oxford was an      offering services in architectural   a youth organisation aimed at
                                                                    amazing experience which I    design, city planning and     empowering the disadvantaged
                                                                                                                                through education and skills
              handolwenkosi Mthembu   leader in research and practice   loved,” commented Mthembu.  development strategy.       upliftment.
              lives by the motto, “If you   in various disciplines in the   Her masters research was   Her vision is for Azaniya
        Tdo what you are passionate   built environment. Mthembu    centred around the analysis   Urban Solutions to be a pioneer   Mthembu concluded by saying,
        about then you won’t feel that you   was also featured in the Mail   of urban dynamics and their   in decolonised city planning   “My family and my son Zibusiso
        are working.”                 and Guardian as one of the Top   effect on informal traders in   and building in Africa as a   are at the centre of everything
                                      200 Young South Africans in                                                               that I do.”  
          Mthembu who is from                                       sub-Saharan African cities. She   whole. “We are a small player,
        Hammarsdale, KwaZulu-Natal,   2017 for her contribution to built   explained, “There is nothing   but I have big ideas.”   Her goal
                                      environment education and
        is the founder of Azaniya Urban                             informal about informal       is to create strong partnerships   Contact: Thandolwenkosi Mthembu 
        Solutions (Pty) Ltd and is an   activism.                   settlements in Africa. An     with big corporates in order to   BAS (UKZN), PGDip (Wits), MSc
        architectural urban strategist.    Mthembu studied architecture   important question to ask is   have a footprint in South Africa   (Oxford Brookes) (RICS) (RTPI)
        She has been identified as a young   at the University of Cape Town on   how can we help the informal   and in Africa.   E:

        aN aid For disciPliNarY heariNGs

               earing Aid is a one stop   CEO DRG Outsourcing.      Heads who has had many years   disciplinary hearing and be   “An external chairperson will
               shop that offers the                                 of experience as an employment   equipped to assess mitigating   make sure that he/she does it
                                       However, legislation can seem
        Hservices of qualified,       particularly complicated when   relations practitioner.     and aggravating circumstances.   right,” says Heads.
        independent chairpersons for   it comes to sensitive matters   Through Hearing Aid, DRG   This ensures that both sides   South Africa’s diverse
        disciplinary hearings. These   such as hearings, retrenchments,   Outsourcing & Colin Heads &   of the issue may be presented   workforce often requires
        professional services are available   performance management   Associates aims to assist employers   equitably so that both the   that the employee may
        through DRG Outsourcing and   initiatives, HR/IR training, etc.    with selecting competent   employee and the employer will   require the assistance of a
        Colin Heads & Associates.                                   and efficient chairpersons for   be given a fair outcome for a   translator for the disciplinary
                                       This is especially relevant to                             given matter.
          South African labour legislation                          disciplinary hearings.                                      hearing. Hearing Aid is
        is one of the most advanced and   disciplinary hearings. The goal   A range of chairpersons with   Employers often overlook   also able to provide suitable
                                      of a disciplinary hearing is to
        fair human capital management   ensure that all parties are given   high levels of experience and   the value of ensuring that an   (independent) translators. The
        structures in the world, ensuring   the opportunity to state their   appropriate qualifications   independent chairperson i.e.   use of translators is a legal
        that the workforce is dealt with in   case, that the correct procedure   are available, many of whom   one who is not emotionally   requirement and it is equally
        a responsible and caring manner.   is followed to determine whether   have been through hundreds   invested in the company,   important to appoint a truly
        Consequently, employers need to   an employee is guilty of any   of disciplinary hearings. In   is appointed to manage a   independent and competent
        understand what their obligations   alleged misconduct and, if so,   addition, the appointment of   formal disciplinary hearing.   person to this role.
        to their employees comprise.                                                              In addition, an independent
                                      that the appropriate course of   a chairperson for a hearing is                            “DRG Outsourcing and Colin
          “The true intention of human   action is recommended.     made based on the style and   chairperson has the benefit of   Heads & Associates are on
        resources best-practices is    One of the key role players   personality of the chairperson   not being prejudiced by having   standby to help as and when
                                                                                                  any workplace relationship with
        to help companies improve     in a disciplinary hearing is the   and their fit with the culture   an employee. This is especially   required,” concluded White. 
        relationships with staff      chairperson, who is responsible   of the organisation and the   relevant when considering the
        through encouraging employee   for ensuring that the hearing is   situation at hand.      possible consequences of the   For more information contact
        engagement in the workplace   held correctly, in compliance with   An independent chairperson   disciplinary hearing for both   Iviwe Mtebele
        and improving company         all labour laws and procedures.    ensures that any potential for an   the employee and the employer.   T: 031 7670625
        outputs/productivity.   If best-                            internally appointed chairperson                            E:
        practice is followed through the   “Consequently, the selection   who is biased, subject to political
        proper training of line managers,  of a chairperson is a critical   interference, or lacking in
        suitable inductions of staff,   element in the success or failure   competence is avoided.
        clarity of roles, responsibilities,   of the disciplinary process. The
        policies and procedures, etc,   quality of the person chairing a   The chairperson must make
        then very few conflict matters   hearing may result in the risk of   recommendations based solely
        should arise,” says David White   an unfair outcome,” says Colin   on the evidence provided at

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