Page 12 - KZN Top Business Women 2022 Powed by DRG & BusinessFit SA
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JACQUIE BHANA OWNER & EXECUTIVE KZN, this level. Another area that she impacted was delegations and international investors,
BUSINESS COACH, JACQUIE BHANA increasing the number of women in leadership, through to national government leadership.”
CONSULTING by recruiting, then supporting them accordingly.
Other international leaders who Jacquie has
At a community level, Jacquie is an active found inspirational include the ex-Chancellor of
ACQUIE BHANA, after following a successful member of the Durban Chamber of Commerce Germany, Angela Merkel, and the young Afghani
career spanning over 30 years in the and Industry, where she has been elected onto and world-renowned activist for the education of
corporate world, and after much thought the board as First Vice President. Jacquie works females, Malala Yousafzai.
Jabout her future goals, has recently started with the Chamber’s leadership team to address
her own business initiatives. the many challenges experienced in the city, LEAVING THE CORPORATE WORLD
such as during the looting and the flooding.
She commented, “I wanted flexibility with my Jacquie says that her biggest challenge ever has
time, to dance to my own drumbeat, and to “I led the task of working with various players in been leaving the corporate world and working
make an impact beyond the gates of a single the country, to get the shelves in the supermarkets in the exciting and exhilarating world of small
organisation.” re-stacked, having engaged with various retailers business. She said, “Getting used to the idea of no
and transporters. The Chamber leadership kept longer having the name of a blue-chip company
Her primary business, Jacquie Bhana Consulting, a close eye on the progress being made in this and a senior title has been difficult, and having
focuses on coaching and mentoring of leaders, space and their leaders in turn worked with senior no admin staff and technicians for IT support has
managers and graduates in general as well government officials, to facilitate this process at a been tough. However, there has been a major
as offering teambuilding interventions. After higher level.” upward spike in my own empowerment and
working at executive level and having worked capability, and it has been a great journey so far.”
her way up the corporate ladder, she knows After the floods, Jacquie worked with various
that she can add enormous value in this space. community leaders and communities to get MAKING A DIFFERENCE
A strong need nationally has been identified for blankets, clothes and food transported by
the development of graduates, so this is one of helicopters to inaccessible places, facilitated by the “My future goals are to make a difference to the
Jacquie’s keen interest and focus areas. Chamber. She also linked up with the organisations, very universe I am targeting to work with, i.e.,
Women on Boards and Limitbreakers, to get food getting our youth capable, employable, competent
The second focus group is that of women. Jacquie and clothes to areas that they were servicing. and confident; the same with women, executives
says, “I can relate well to them, having been and managers” – in line with our national agenda.
through my own corporate journey as a lone TRULY INSPIRATIONAL I want my mental health counselling to take off.
female in a man’s world.” In this regard, I want to grow my business and
One of the people who inspires Jacquie is profitability by 10% per annum, and to employ
A second leg of her consulting business is that Nokuthula (Nokky) Ndlovu – who is young, staff and get them to grow – and I want to be
of mental health counselling for executives driven and a successful global influencer. Nokky an inspiration to other women who want to be
and leaders. is the founder of the organisations, Limitbreakers upwardly mobile or even open their own business.
and Women on Boards, both of which Jacquie is
Another venture that Jacquie is pursuing is that a member. In advising young women Jacquie says, “I think it
of a start-up for exclusive ladies’ garments. She is important to be good at what you do, to grow
has identified a manufacturer, and is close to Jacquie commented, “Through our sessions I incrementally, develop credibility, show integrity
launching this enterprise. have met incredible women who have been truly and then move from there. Women also have
inspirational, such as Mandisa Dlamini, who runs to be confident, strong and not hide their lights
ACHIEVING MANY GOALS the Gugu Dlamini Foundation. Mandisa’s mother under a bushel. They need to find their voice and
was Gugu Dlamini, who was stoned to death in
Jacquie has achieved a number of goals at the township, because she was an HIV activist. raise their voice, appropriately.”
business and community level. At corporate Mandisa continues her work to this day, herself Jacquie has been married to Mahesh for 30
level, she has worked extensively on increasing having overcome the toughest challenges, and years, who is a successful Obstetrician and
the number of graduates employed; focussing making a difference in the community.” Gynaecologist, and Fertility Specialist who owns
on bright young talent, and leading their
mentorship programmes to build their “I am also inspired by Palesa Phili, the CEO of the Durban Fertility Centre with his partner at the
St Augustines Netcare Hospital. Their 20-year-
capability and productivity in the business. In the Durban Chamber, a woman who is driven,
this regard, she has previously formed strategic fearless and energetic. She tirelessly tackles old daughter Kereena is following in her dad’s
footsteps; she is studying medicine at UCT and
relationships with tertiary institutions. Jacquie and deals with her mandate, i.e. advocating loves it.
has also worked vigorously at getting young for business and being in business for a
women into technical apprentice roles, in an better world - in the interest of ensuring that In her off-work times Jacquie loves reading,
environment that was at first hostile. However, Durban is a viable, economically successful spending time with family and going to the gym.
building a critical mass of female apprentices city, and is effectively able to garner support of She also plays golf socially and enjoys travelling
helped to make it easier to build diversity at various players, from international government which she thinks is the best education.