Page 16 - KZN Top Business Women 2022 Powed by DRG & BusinessFit SA
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Lyse’s new contract was liberating. In addition Lyse. “At the relatively ripe old age of 28, I
LYSE COMINS, STAFF JOURNALIST to her redesigned corporate job, she picked went back to college and finally completed
AND FREELANCE WRITER up several clients over the years and was my journalism diploma - and then went on
retained by a national PR agency based in to do a BTech in Journalism.” She’s found her
Cape Town, and three major news titles. She way back and enjoyed studying so much the
YSE COMINS takes pride in her track happily admits that there were times when second time around that she even went on to
record as a staff journalist with major learning by doing was her only option. “I think lecture in journalism.
newspapers, as well as her freelance it was Richard Branson who said never turn
L writing for prestigious publications down an opportunity,” she says. “If somebody INSPIRATION IS ALL AROUND YOU
such as Mail & Guardian, Financial Mail and offers you an amazing opportunity but you are
Freight News. She has established a name not sure you can do it, say yes – then learn Lyse was inspired by her journalism
for herself in corporate PR. Lyse has built a how to do it later!” colleagues. “When I see good people doing
diverse portfolio of work including traditional good work and making a difference in society,
journalism, press releases and corporate These days her writing also includes brand it spurs me on to do the same,” she says. “And
communications and has a reputation content and social media writing. I learnt so much from Wendy Knowler too. I
that has translated into ongoing work as a worked with her on the Daily News, and she
freelance journalist. TAKING THE LONG ROAD certainly inspired my passion in that field
of journalism.” Lyse’s consumer watchdog
When asked about her greatest achievements, Lyse had always wanted to be a journalist. Growing columns have been published in The Mercury,
Lyse pauses to check before answering, up in a home where she was always surrounded The Post, and The Witness.
“You mean my career achievements?” An by newspapers and news programmes on TV,
interesting career that she loves was top of she was encouraged by her father to take an Lyse is planning her own online publication
the list, followed by having had the courage interest in the world around her. Consequently, focused on KZN. “I see it as a collaborative
to give up a job she loved to create a more even as a little girl she’d always pictured herself project with several journalists,” she says.
flexible schedule. as a journalist. After school, she went to college to “There’s way too much going on in KZN to be
study journalism but after completing two years covered by a single writer!” More immediately,
Eight years before Covid, remote working was of college, she somehow lost direction, dropped Lyse is about to launch her website. She
a pipedream for most, but with two small out and took a job in a bank. admits she has allowed deadlines to get in the
children, Lyse knew a standard full-time way of the website, but it is imminent. And,
schedule was not ideal for her. She resigned “It seemed like a good idea at the time, but unsurprisingly for any dedicated writer, writing
her journalism job as staff writer on the it turned into a six-year detour that nearly a book is also a goal.
Independent on Saturday and moved into derailed my dream.” But experience is never
corporate PR with a big security company – wasted and Lyse had learnt a great deal about Lyse’s advice to younger women is simple,
and managed to negotiate a largely remote business while working in banking, with though not always easy to put into practice.
working schedule, going into the office only insights and understanding that has served “Be true to yourself, stick to your values and
once a week. her well in business journalism. don’t let other’s opinions get in the way. Be
honest, be humble and work hard.”
This was a dream scenario, but while her PR role Looking back, it’s not hard to believe that
was interesting, it wasn’t long before she missed she found her way back to journalism. With IN HER OWN TIME
the variety and immediacy of news writing and ambitions to progress, she knew she needed Lyse lives with her two children and
began to consider her options. How could she to study if she was going to make a career in her partner. She enjoys walking on the
have the best of both worlds? banking. But she was filled with regret as she beachfront – or anywhere in nature – and
watched her old classmates move forward in a
Once again Lyse considered her options and world she wanted to be part of. the occasional glass of wine. She has found
renegotiated her position. This gave her the balance in her life and success in her business
freedom to take on her own clients, while Realising it wasn’t too late, Lyse abandoned the and is grateful for the opportunities she’s
continuing her PR role. As Lyse puts it, “From idea of studying for her banking qualifications. had – including being nominated for KZN Top
there, it just snowballed.” “I had a longing to pursue my dreams,” says Business Women.