Page 30 - KZN Top Business Women 2022 Powed by DRG & BusinessFit SA
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ZANELE LUVUNO, CEO AND FOUNDER, She added that she can give specific numbers Zanele commented that many people say it’s
METAMORPHOSIS INTEGRATED and data to quantify her success and that this a man’s world and you have got to learn to
SOLUTIONS has been the key way in which she has made play a man’s game. However, she says that
a difference. she does not believe that. “I am a woman; I am
comfortable in that fact, and I believe that I
ANELE LUVUNO has an extensive career PLENTY OF CHALLENGES can still access opportunities in my authentic
spanning over two decades. She has However, says Zanele, she has faced plenty of self. It probably works better for me to show
primarily worked in the people space in challenges – some specific to being a woman, up authentically then when I try to show up as
Zthe area of coaching, talent acquisition, some specific to being a black woman as well somebody else.”
executive search, and partner profiling for as socioeconomic challenges. She added that
transactions. Her broader business portfolio other challenges included raising capital and IMPACT GREATER SOCIETY
includes e-commerce as well as property finding the right people. Although, she added Speaking of future goals Zanele says that she
investment. that as she is in the people game that has not busy working them out currently. Her coach
Zanele’s client base has included blue chip clients been difficult to resolve. recently said to her that she had achieved all
on projects throughout the African continent. Zanele commented, “I think that the challenges the goals that she wanted to achieve in this
She is a vocal figure about transformation in are very many. We function very much in a chapter and so she is looking around to see
South Africa and has her finger on the pulse patriarchal society, and it’s been incredibly what comes next.
particularly about establishing and promoting difficult to get the same opportunity that may She said, “Very interestingly what I think comes
the future of female leaders. Zanele has been be presented to a man. We have to fight harder, next is being able to impact greater society
featured in many publications as a thought scrap harder – demand your seat at the table. – to have more reach and put my message
leader in the national conversations around It hasn’t been easy to have to constantly justify and my experience out in different ways and
transformation and gender equality especially while you are at the table.” on different forums. I think that is a big one
as these issues relate to business and careers. for me. I think that those who follow after
“Very often we are not allowed to take up space us shouldn’t have such a difficult path as we
HELPING ORGANISATIONS SHIFT and you have to push your way through. As have had if we start to tell our stories. So, I am
She has recently started a new business – you can imagine that rubs a lot of people the very much focused on building an intellectual
Metamorphosis Integrated Solutions. Zanele wrong way. But you must really decide what is property focused business to be able to put
explains, “Having been in the people space important to you. Are you determined to take the collective intellectual property around
for the last two decades I have seen a shift. up space? Are you determined to drive what is women’s stories and the knowledge that we
As we move into the age of information it’s important to you? Or are you more focussed have accumulated out into the world. I want to
now all about innovation, it’s about innovative on the likeability aspect? If you want to succeed be able to help people shift their organisations,
people who can come up with new concepts you have to be clear about who you are, stand shift their careers and probably change a bit
in your truth and find a way to forge forward.”
that are going to change the world. I think how we interact with work as a society.”
we as individuals need to look at how we KNOW YOURSELF Zanele is married and is mom to a son. While
approach careers and how we approach work a lot of the work that she does is based in
and the space that we occupy. The business In speaking of advice to other women, Zanele Johannesburg, she moved to Durban before
is really centred around solutions that can says that the most important aspect is to know the covid lockdown as she wanted to have a
help organisations shift – whether its culture, yourself. When you know who you authentically change in pace and lifestyle.
whether its leadership as we move into this are, it is very difficult for external circumstance
new age.” to be able to disempower you. She says, “A In order to create balance in her life Zanele
lot of the disempowerment that we face in says, “I love being in nature and I am deeply
Zanele commented that her business focus has business is when we give our power away to spiritual. I start every day with about two hours
always been around the upliftment of women. situations – we feel that we don’t really belong meditative walking or practice and mediate
She said, “I think that the golden thread that at the table, or we have imposter syndrome or throughout the day.”
runs through all the work I have done is that I that someone is doing us a favour, or I need
have had a very strong focus on putting women someone to endorse me in order to do x. Once In conclusion, she says, “I say to people that
into leadership positions and into business you come into a state of knowing who you you can do absolutely anything that you set
opportunities or board positions to try and are, and you are firm in this in all situations, I your mind to. I strive to do anything that I set
create that critical mass of women in that top think that it become so much easier to navigate my mind to, and I want to encourage others to
tier of South African business.” choppy waters.” do the same.”