Page 32 - KZN Top Business Women 2022 Powed by DRG & BusinessFit SA
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South Africa by the Eastern Eye Magazine. or a chief, the company always employs a
NERUSHA MAHARAJ, CEO, She commented, “We’ve had a lot of wins but local, who knows the area and they then do
VISUAL NETWORK SA for me, the biggest win would be going into all the negotiations as they know the process.
informal settlements and rural areas where we
are able to develop and uplift the community. Nerusha would love to support every film maker
ERUSHA MAHARAJ’s company is called We get kids and aged people involved with the that needs assistance to participate in the 48
Visual Network SA, which is a one stop camera, to be in front of the camera, to be hour film project. “I have been reaching out to
production store in KwaZulu-Natal. extras, and we source crew from an area where organisations and corporates to support film
NThe company’s services include movie we are filming.” makers.” They will be getting brand exposure
productions, with locations, accommodation, in cinemas as well as internationally, through
catering and transport crew – anything Nerusha’s other achievements include being supporting a young film maker, you never know
that one would need to shoot films in KZN. the brand ambassador for the late King what their future holds.”
Nerusha is also the city producer of the 48 Goodwill Zwelithini’s Royal brand of wine, GOALS FOR THE FUTURE
hour film project, which is an exciting short film textile, and coffee, the Bayede brand.
competition. The competition has been around PROVIDING OPPORTUNITIES Another goal would be to host the 48 hour
for the past 21 years in 130 cities around the international competition in KZN. That is
globe. She runs the KZN chapter. Nerusha says that she is inspired by her clients; where the 130 cities around the world compete
their feedback, hearing thank you Nerusha, the for the top 10 films, which get screened at the
Her company together with the KZN Film location was amazing, I loved the crew, or the Cannes Film Festival. “It’s never been done on
Commission, is also developing 20 digital caterer was excellent. She says, “The feedback African soil, so that is definitely on my short-
entrepreneurs. This project is for youth or for from clients keeps me motivated, as well as the term goals for the next two to three years.”
anyone that has a YouTube channel or a digital ability to help bring people into the industry:
platform with the goal of taking them to the next providing opportunities for them, for me, that Her overall goal for the company is to be the
level. Visual Network SA assists corporate clients is really motivating and inspiring.” leading media production service company
with brand placements. They’ve assisted over and agency in South Africa.
50 movie productions so far, from telenovelas to She is further inspired by the participants in
short films, television commercials, Nollywood the 48 hour platform as the project gives an GO AFTER WHAT YOU WANT
block busters that are on Netflix, to the recent opportunity to people to enter the industry. Nerusha says that her advice to younger women
win of The Woman King. “Because we have workshops beforehand, would be to not be afraid to go after what you
we take them through the whole process of want. Hard work always pays off and helping
A BIG WIN film making. They get to make a short film somebody else, always comes back to you. She
in one weekend, thereafter they see the
In business, the Visual Network SA has been adds, “Something that I’ve noticed, don’t feel
nominated by Sentech as a finalist in the Start- results on a big screen and there’s a whole shy to ask. We always get intimidated, or we
awards’ ceremony. Seeing people who know
up category for a tech start-up for the 48 hour feel we are not allowed to ask somebody for
project and for its other social development nothing about the industry enter it, and the help. But you will be surprised at how people
excitement in them, is what drives me and
projects. are willing to help you, hold your hand and take
inspires me.” you up.”
“We encourage mobile filming, we teach youth INDUSTRY CHALLENGES
how to use their mobile phones, to make Commenting on her personal life Nerusha
content, share content and monetise it, so that Some of the challenges Nerusha has says that she wishes that she had more time.
was quite a big win for us,” said Nerusha. The experienced would be with finding locations. “I would spend more time painting in my
company was also a second runner up in the “People in KZN aren’t aware that the movie personal time, I love painting, just walking,
Durban Tourism Awards 2022 in the Film & TV industry is booming here. It has been a taking hikes with my sons and my husband,
sector. challenge to convince people that we are a spending family quality time together, that
legitimate company, and that production and obviously just relaxes me and that’s my me
In addition, Visual Network SA was selected as a filming does take place and we would love to time. Also, what helps me a lot is going for a
finalist in the Standard Bank KZN Top Business use your home,” explained Nerusha. walk, putting on my earphones and listening
Awards in the small business category. Nerusha to something motivational and inspirational
was selected by The Women of Wonder Awards Another challenge is language barriers and or listening to leaders and CEOs, that is very
as one of the top 50 influential women in hierarchy in rural areas. If there is an induna therapeutic to me.”