Page 16 - KZN Business Sense - 7.5 eBook
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                      David White, CEO,                                                                                        payroll and employment support;
                       DRG Outsourcing                                                                                         mid-size companies wishing to
                                                                                                                               focus more on core activities
                                                                                                                               and not be pulled into the
                            he world                                                                                           administration of the business;
                            has gone                                                                                           and SMEs and start-up enterprises
                       Tthrough                                                                                                that wish to ensure their HR
                      significant                                                                                              responsibilities are properly
                     changes in recent                                                                                         structured and fully compliant
                      years, and in                                                                                            from the very beginning.
                        particular in
                        the past 18                                                                                            Comprehensive HR service
                        months.  These                                                                                           DRG’s PEO Service is compre-
                        changes have                                                                                           hensive, providing services
                        permanently                                                                                            to a wide range of local and
                        refocused                                                                                              international enterprises. This
                        many of our                                                                                            service provides enterprises with
                        traditional                                                                                            a solid labour law foundation,
        business processes and norms.                                                                                          employee taxation guidance
        We, as the business community,                                                                                         and administration, social
        now use virtual meetings to                                                                                            security and employer body
        conduct business in a way we have                                                                                      registrations and payments,
        not done before. We now find it                                                                                        as well as implementation and
        a simple task to link onto online                                                                                      coordination of well-structured
        meetings and have meaningful                                                                                           employee benefit packages
        and productive discussions with                                                                                        as DRG’s Group Allan Gray
        our staff members, customers,   are employed, managed,      these services are also referred to   I was on a virtual call with   Retirement Fund, Discovery
        suppliers and stakeholders, no   and terminated have been   as Employer of Record services   an Australian business leader a   Medical Aid, and various Life
        matter where they may be located.   implemented since the new   (EoR) and include providing their   short while ago.  He said that in   and Risk products and services.
          Although technology has     constitution was promulgated in   clients’ staff members with the   Australia there are in some sectors   This comprehensive HR service
        led this shift in the way we   1996.  Thus, resulting in the need  same employer representation   more jobs available than resources.    is inclusive of a fully compliant
        communicate and implement     for professional and reliable HR   service.  Although PEOs assume   He said that it is possible that   human resource foundation
        quality assurance, best practice,   administration, compliance, and   all employer related responsivities,   if an advert is placed seeking   of payroll administration,
        and helped define new efficiencies   engagement service providers   including representation and   engagement for a specific skill, that   workman’s compensation cover,
        in business governance and    such as DRG to service this   meeting statutory employer    nobody will respond – or if they do   unemployment insurance
        norms; other enterprise       growing employment market.    responsibilities, they do not under   it may take eight months.  South   contributions, relative contracts of
        functional area activities have   South Africa has one of the most   normal circumstances assume   Africa is as we know desperate to   employment, clearly defined job
        also evolved to meet the times.   comprehensive HR frameworks   direct management control.    create jobs, and the PEO industry   descriptions, monthly payslips,
        These activities include how we   in the world today, and many   Reporting generally remains   has now made it possible for   and annual IRP5’s.  The service
        now employ, manage, and engage   large and corporate companies   between the staff member and the   international organisations to   also meets legislative requirements
        with our staff members.       use DRG’s services to assist   PEO client, but is tempered by best  seek and procure resources from   in employment equity reporting,
                                      them in ensuring compliance   practice and meeting existing legal  South Africa.  PEO’s employ staff   workplace skills planning and
        Helping enterprises with      and risk mitigation in their   employment parameters within   members directly and assume   annual training records, and
        staffing needs                employment relationships.  As   the country where they      all employer responsibilities.    where applicable, application and
                                      an example, in South Africa,   are operating.               This is a wonderful service for   submission of critical skills and
          The PEO (Professional       it is possible for enterprises to                           clients, who are able to engage
        Employer Organisation)        engage staff through permanent   Support for offshore enterprises  suitable resources from all over   general work permits.
        industry began many decades   contracts, fixed-term contracts,                            the world, and have a professional   “We”, says Youshi Naidoo PEO
        ago, but only in recent times   project-based contracts, as   The pandemic and virtual    PEO team assisting in meeting   Services manager at DRG, “are a
        are we beginning to see the   personal services companies,   engagement model has fueled the   all engagement aspects related   team of professionals, supporting
        significance these organisations   and through juristic entities.    PEO industry growth in many   to staff employment.  PEOs   the human resource function
        have in helping to create effective   Each of these engagement   ways.  Business leaders have   must ensure that staff members   within all size enterprises, and
        staff mobility, ensuring local   types have different effects on   realised that it is now possible   are properly appointed and   are ready to provide aid as and
        compliance, and attracting and   legislative responsibilities and   to employ staff in different   are current with all related   when needed. If a company joins
        retaining preferred talent.                                 locations.  It is commonplace                              our PEO service in the morning,
                                      reporting expectations, and are   now as an example, for United   employment responsibilities and
          DRG has been a PEO service   complicated further through   Kingdom, European and        legislation.  This is inclusive of   by the afternoon each of their
        provider within the PEO industry   staff earning above or below the   American companies to engage   providing adequate inductions,   staff members will be fully
        for the past 25 years and is part   Basic Conditions of Employment   South African staff through   and where applicable facilitation   onboarded and compliant in all
        of global networks that help   Act threshold.               employment relationships to   of reward and incentive design,   aspects of employment related
        enterprises with staffing needs   DRG’s focus, as a PEO service   provide functional resource   performances management   legislation.”  
        in South Africa and Africa.    provider, is South Africa and   support within their offshore   processes, misconduct or
        These services include Human   Africa, and through relationships   enterprises.  These enterprises   incapacity hearings, staff   For more information contact
        Resources (HR) administration,   with in-country partners (ICPs)   do not want to fall foul of the law   retrenchments, terminations, etc.    T: +27 (0)31 767 0625
        compliance, and associated    we are able to ensure compliant   and want to be respectful to the                       E:
        reporting responsibilities.  The   employment solutions in virtually   country in which they engage   PEO customers    W:
        PEO industry has focused largely   every country on the African   staffing resources, and thus look   PEO services, although
        on providing services to end-  continent.  ICPs work closely   to PEO services providers for   experiencing growth in
        clients to help them ensure their   together, respecting employment   support.  South African staff are,   supporting localised employment,
        staff are compliant in employer   parameters that exist in each   as we are continually reminded,   contribute hugely to other areas
        responsibilities such as deduction   country, ensuring their clients’   highly regarded across the   of staffing engagement as well.
        and payment of employee tax,   staff are paid correctly and   world for their commitment,   Typically, customers using PEO
        meeting social security and   timeously, and are current and   enthusiasm, and broad abilities.    services include: NGOs without
        employer body contribution    compliant with receivers of   With the PEO industry now well   a fully-fledged HR department,   SCAN
        requirements, and where       revenue, departments of labour,   established in virtually every   enterprises funded through
        applicable providing immigration   the various statutory employer   country in the world, it is easy   government and non-government   QR CODE
        submission support.                                         for multinationals and even   agencies as the Growth Fund, Jobs   TO SEE
                                      bodies and where applicable home
        Ensuring compliance and       affairs offices.              small enterprises to look beyond   Fund, USAID, Global Fund, Bill   VIDEO
                                                                    their local environments for
                                                                                                  and Melinda Gates Foundation,
        risk mitigation                PEOs essentially provide clients’   staffing resources, and in many   John Hopkins University and
          In South Africa, many       staff with the services of a full   cases are looking first to engage   other; larger enterprises that   (Open the camera on your phone and
                                                                                                                                hover steadily for 2-3 seconds over the
        new changes in the way staff   HR service.  In many circles   South Africans.             require project and unusual   QR Code to see the video.)

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