Page 7 - KZN Business Sense 7.2 - eBook
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               GOFit, a division of                                                                                             grievances, and any potential
               DRG Outsourcing,                                                                                                 disciplinary hearings.
        Nhas recently been                                                                                                       The time taken for NGOFit to
         established to help non-                                                                                               take on an NGO as a new client
         governmental organisations                                                                                             is very short. “If an Ngo was to
         (NGOs) to become sustainable                                                                                           come to us in the morning, we
         service organisations.
                                                                                                                                would have them set up by the
          Nikita Pillay, DRG HR and                                                                                             afternoon. It is as easy as that,”
         Compliance Best-Practice                                                                                               explained Pillay.
         Specialist explained, “DRG has                                                                                          “We are very excited about
         a broad base of clients, many of                                                                                       NGOFit. It is something that we
         which are funded organisations                                                                                         have wanted to launch for a long
         or NGOs, so this was a natural                                                                                         time now. We know that it is going
         progression.”                                                                                                          to make a difference to NGOs. The
          David White, CEO of DRG                                                                                               NGOs that we have worked with
         Outsourcing says, “We have                                                                                             have been so happy with us. Some
         learnt a lot from servicing clients   Back L-R: David White, Lindiwe Bhadi, Iviwe Mtebele, Youshi Naidoo, Rumba Munsamy, Rowena Pillay and Mahendra Singh   have been with us for close to 2O
         in different areas, which has   Front L-R: Nikita Pillay, Chrisanne Chetty, Stephanie Manilall and Colette Tanner      years and we want to provide these
         built our confidence.” What we                                                                                         services to other NGOs so that we
         find with NGOs is that they are                            management is compliant,”     party payments are done on time   can continue to help them with
         really focussed on the work that   “NGOs have a deep passion   explains White.           and are accounted for. When it   their passions and meeting their
         they are doing whether it is in   for the type of work that they                         comes to human resources, it’s   goals and responsibilities to their
         education, training, medical,   do that makes for a perfect fit   Leaders of NGOs are passionate   all about getting their documents   funders,” concluded White. 
         health, or peace. NGOs tend to   with NgoFit. We also focus on   people and strive to make a   in order including policies and
         have specialists in each of those   ensuring that there is compliance   difference in the world in some   procedures and aligning these   T: +27 31 767 0625
         areas and we are specialists in   in terms of reporting to the   way. “This is a similar culture to   with the funder’s agreement.”  W:
         our service offerings. So, it’s a   project funders,” added Pillay.  that of DRG so there tends to be a
         really good combination of skills   While funders such as John   natural fit between ourselves and   This includes ensuring that
         coming together. We allow the   Hopkins University, Bill and   themselves,” added White.  employees go through a proper
         NGOs to focus on their projects   Melinda Gates Foundation, The                          induction process, which allows
         that are being funded and we take   Growth fund, and The Jobs Fund   “We understand each other   them to familiarise themselves
         care of all the administration and   are happy to fund projects, they   and quite often we get asked   with the environment that they   DRG
         compliance issues.”          do want to know that the money   to sit on the boards of these   are working in. In this regard      NGOFIT
                                      is being spent correctly.     organisations to help them from   contracts and job descriptions are
          DRG is able to help with                                  a human resources and business
         compliance around payroll      The majority of funding     administration perspective.”  essential to ensure that employees   SCAN
                                                                                                  understand what is required of
         administration, doing        that goes into NGOs is to pay                                                              QR CODE
         returns to the Department of   salaries of staff. “Consequently,   “Helping these NGOs build   them within the organisation.  TO SEE
         Labour, and making sure that   organisations gain comfort in   their foundation is of absolute   NGOFit will also ensure   VIDEO
         Workmen’s Compensation       knowing that a professional   importance,” explains Pillay. It   that policies and procedures
         and SETA (Sector Education   organisation like DRG is helping   starts off with payroll and ensuring   are in place to manage
         and Training Authority)      to make sure that every single   that staff are paid accurately, that   labour relations including   (Open the camera on your phone and
                                                                                                                                 hover steadily for 2-3 seconds over the
         submissions are done correctly.   aspect of an NGO’s people   statuary payments as well as third   performance management,   QR Code to see the video.)


        Nikita Pillay HR & Compliance Best-  in terms of:           ■   Develop leaders and leadership    and other contexts.   Natural   been allocated into a leadership
        Practice Specialist, DRG Outsourcing  ■   Risk – the degree to which      skills          competency style and fit to generic   role and the other in a subordinate
                                        a person tends to take risks to    ■   Design career development    competencies are provided in   position and reporting into the
              he PDA is a behavioural     achieve results             plans for employees         this report as well.  Detailed   managerial candidate.  Details
              assessment that provides   ■   Extroversion – the degree to    ■   Identify communication and    information regarding strengths   of the managerial candidate’s
        Tinformation on an              which a person desires/is      conflict styles            and possible areas of development   leadership and communication
        individual’s natural behaviour,     inclined to interact with other    ■   Improve self-awareness and    (strengths that become overused)   style are provided as well as the
        and role behaviour. It is an     individuals, persuade and please      emotional intelligence  is given as well as information   environmental factors needed to
        analysis of specific words      people in order to achieve results  ■   Enable personal growth and    regarding environment factors   keep the subordinate candidate
        concerned with the meanings   ■   Patience – the degree to which      development         that are required to keep the   engaged and motivated.  The
        and relations between them,     a person tends to respond in a    The PDA has a 90% reliability   candidate engaged and motivated.  natural behaviours of both
        which generates into an analysis     patient and peaceful manner in    rate, is scientifically verified,   2.  Job Fit Report – This report   candidates on the four axes
        report.                         order to achieve results    has ISO9001 certification,    provides details of the candidate’s   assessed in the PDA are compared
                                      ■   Compliance – the degree                                 fit to a pre-determined (either   and how this style will manifest in
          The PDA platform is ideal for:    to which a person requires to    meets U.S. Equal Employment   system generated or customised)   the behaviour of the managerial
        ■   Organisations: to identify,      conform to norms and    Opportunity Commission       job profile.  Details regarding the   candidate is indicated in the report.
                                                                    (EEOC) requirements and is
          develop and/or retain talent,      procedures in order to achieve    internationally validated by the   fit to the different competencies
          job fit/matching, leadership      results                 American Institute of Business   required for success in this job   DRG’s internationally accredited
          development, team dynamics.   The PDA assessment enables   Psychology (AIOBP)           role are provided as well as overall   PDA specialists can help facilitate
        ■   Individuals: understand your    one to:                                               percentage job fit.           these PDAs, and provide you with
          strengths and development    ■   Assess three core areas:    Some of the many reports   3.  Competency Report – This   constructive feedback generated
          areas to improve job/career      behaviour, energy, and    generated by taking the PDA are   report provides a percentage match   from the 30 page report. 
          prospects, leadership style,      emotional indicators    as follows:                   of a candidate (based on his/her
          decision making approach,    ■   Analyse the competencies of    1.  PDA Report – A      natural behavioural style) to a set   Contact Nikita
          people skills.                individuals and teams       comprehensive behavioural     of system generated or customised   T: +27 (0)31 767 0625
                                                                    report detailing the
          The PDA Assessment does not   ■   Recruit the best candidates for    candidate’s leadership, sales   competencies.  The system contains   W:
        qualify behavioural profiles     the role/job               and communication styles.     generic, agile and entrepreneur
        as “good or bad”; it describes   ■   Assess competency frameworks    This report provides detailed   competencies. 
        the evaluated individual’s      and skills-gaps             descriptions of the candidate’s   4.  Leadership Matching Report
        behavioural characteristics. The   ■   Provide guidance for effective    natural behaviour style as well as   – This report provides details of
        PDA behaviour profile is defined     succession planning    behaviour modification in work   two candidates, one of whom has

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