Page 30 - Yearbook 2019
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PQE: 11 years
Career: Joined DJB in 2016 following a career at Burges Salmon LLP and Clarke Willmott. Razina has a particular specialism in Islamic Finance.
Career Highlights:
• Redevelopment of listed buildings in Bath to deliver the UK’s  rst 5* hotel and natural spa facilities for the Malaysian parent company of Wessex Water
• Lead lawyer on the development of an 8.2MW coastal wind farm development with an investment value of £14.5m for joint venture partners
• Regeneration of the Royal Albert Docks for the London Development Agency
PQE: 35 years
Career: Joined in 2018 following a career at Mishcon de Reya, Reed Smith and Shoosmiths. Mary specialises in banking &  nance and development.
Career Highlights:
• Large-scale and high-value developments including site assembly, infrastructure, construction documentation and  nancial arrangements for Gallagher Estates, Countryside Properties plc and Bloor Homes
• Complicated Promotion Agreement for the owner of 57 acres of land where strategic developers were acquiring adjacent sites and requiring an Escrow Agreement for future funding and allocation of multi-million pound planning and infrastructure costs
PQE: 10 years
Career: Joined DJB in 2016 following a career in-house at South Lakeland District Council. Zaheer specialises in property and planning law.
Career Highlights:
• Land acquisitions for the construction of highways, strategic disposals, leases, CPO powers and General Vesting Declaration procedures for Highways England Manchester
• Strategic review of assets for housing and infrastructure development purpose
• S106 agreements ranging from affordable housing restrictions, commuted sums, developer contributions and open spaces for a Planning Authority

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