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Strengths of Routine Activities Theory
1) RAT has informed public policy, particularly with the development of situational
crime prevention strategies intended to increase guardianship (Clarke, 1997).
2) The theory provides insights on individual-level differences in victimization and
offending (Baumer & Arnior, 2016).
3) According to Siegel (2010), routine activities theory explains how victim’s behavior
can influence criminal opportunity.
Weaknesses of Routine Activities Theory
1) Researchers that try to apply this theory on cybercrimes focused on individuals. They
do not appear to be literatures testing RAT on nations that perpetrate cybercrimes
(Kigerl, 2012).
2) The capacity of RAT to explain patterns of cybercrime is questionable when Yar (as
cited in Leukeldt & Yar, 2016) stated that not all parts of RAT are translatable into
virtual environment.
3) While most recent researches have begun to explore the application of RAT to
cybercrime, most of the existing literature focused on victimization rather than
offending (Phillips, 2015).
In contemporary world, people, corporations and governments are routinely carrying out
several activities on the internet. It is alarming that, such activities increase target suitability
and the likelihood of cybercrime offending. Researchers found that risky activities, such as
frequently visiting unknown websites, downloading games, music or films, increase the
likelihood of computer virus attacks on one’s gadgets. Providing personal information such
as disclosure of credit card numbers or residential address and communicating with strangers
on social networking websites increase the likelihood of cybercrime. Also, uploading
expensive materials on social media enhances target attractiveness. Online businesses have
high propensity to cyber attacks, for financial gains or destruction of data. Likewise, the
security of a country could be undermined through espionage and counterintelligence, mostly
with the aid of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). In some instances,
cybercrimes result due to lack of cyber security awareness amongst internet users, which
presents a serious condition of absence of guardianship. Therefore, internet users are likely to
be protected if conventional policing could evolve to cyberspace, whereby the police and