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cyber-related security threats have been widely acknowledged by  cyber criminologists and

               law enforcement agencies, especially in the developed societies. What is the situation like in
               Nigeria?  Personnel  of  the  Nigeria  Police  Force,  who  are  ought  to  be  at  the  forefront  of

               policing, are said to be technologically illiterates. However, this study seeks to examine the

               Nigeria Police Force and its place in cyber policing.

               Conceptual Explanation


               The  term  “policing”  describes  a  wide  range  of  efforts  made  by  governmental  agency  to
               ensure order maintenance and safety of lives and property. Yusuf (2014) opined that policing

               means any organized activity that seeks to ensure maintenance of order, peace and security,

               through  elements  of  prevention,  deterrence,  investigation  of  breaches  and  punishment.
               According to Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe [OSCE] (2008), policing,

               in  democratic  dispensation,  should  fundamentally  focus  towards  well-being  of  individuals
               and  their  communities.  This  is  implies  that  policing  is  not  only  the  activities  of  police

               organizations  (Kelling  &  Moore,  1988),  it  equally  incorporates  efforts  from  different
               stakeholders,  including  non-uniformed  and  non-governmental  organizations  aimed  at

               addressing  community  challenges  related  to  crime  and  security.  In  twenty-first  century,

               policing should evolve from physical space (which allows for physical contact with crime-
               subjects) to cyberspace (that allows perfect anonymity), in order to curtail dubious activities

               committed therein.


               Cyberspace  is  synonymous  to  virtual  environment.  As  a  result  of  the  ever-increasing

               popularity  of  the  internet  various  activities  are  carried  out  on  cyberspace.  Cyberspace  is

               defined as a scene where internet activities take place (Back, 2016). Cyberspace is considered
               “virtual”  because  it  is  no  longer  associated  to  any  geographical  location.  Redfern  and

               Naughton (2002) explained virtual environment or cyberspace as a computer-enabled space
               or  place,  in  which  people  can  meet  and  interact  with  one  another.  Cyberspace  has  the

               capacity  to  accommodate  people  from  diverse  cultures  and  socio-economic  backgrounds
               because the space (virtual) is free from constraints and can be tailored, allowing participation

               of  all  (Loureiro  &  BettenCourt,  2014).  Again,  the  cyberspace  makes  it  possible  for

               individuals  that  are  spatially  distant  to  engage  in  instant  interaction.  Internet-sites,  chat-
               rooms, business environments can be considered as cyberspace or virtual environment.

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