P. 1
Ukasha Ismail
Department of Sociology
Federal University Dutse, Jigawa State
In the recent past, cybercrimes have dramatically risen that seemingly replaced the old-
fashioned organized crimes. Thus, the need for the development of cyber security capabilities
remains a paramount issue, in order to enhance the security of cyber infrastructures.
Technology-driven worlds have incorporated “cyber policing” into their security
architecture. This strategy had been proved effective in their quests to keep pace with cyber
criminals. As an emerging digital economy, Nigeria is faced with glaring cyber-security
breaches, ranging from cyber terrorism, cybercrimes and the like. The Nigeria Police Force,
as a largest security agency does not seemed ready to fully embark on cyber policing.
Apparently, the Nigeria Police Force lacks the capacity, in terms of both training and
equipment, necessary to ensure cyber security in the country. The study put forward the
following recommendations: allocate adequate funds for the procurement of Information and
Communication Technologies (ICTs) needed to deal with cyber-related threats, the
Management of the Nigeria Police Force should ensure training and retraining of its
personnel (most especially, Investigation Police Officers and Prosecutors) on digital
forensics, and sensitization programmes should be initiated to improve internet users’ cyber
security awareness. Finally, Routine Activities Theory (RAT) had been employed to provide
theoretical framework in this study. This theory is based on the premise that in order for
crime to occur, motivated offenders must converge, in space and time, with suitable targets in
the absence of capable guardian.
Keywords: police, cyber, policing, Nigeria, cybercrime, security.
The internet provides huge opportunities to our society. Paradoxically, it is associated with
unintended consequences (example, cybercrime). In the recent past, cybercrimes have
dramatically risen that seemingly replaced the old-fashioned organized crimes. Thus, the
need for the development of cyber security capabilities remains a paramount issue, in order to
enhance the security of cyber infrastructures. The use of satellite imagery, radio, Closed
Circuit Television (CCTV), and social networking analysis tremendously impact on the
ability of law enforcement officials to effectively tackle security challenges, particularly
cyber-related threats in Nigeria (Oli, 2017). Information Technology (IT) will play a critical
role in ensuring Nigeria’s national security against potential attacks. It will equally be helpful
in identifying potential threats, share information, provide mechanisms to protect the nation
and develop response capabilities. Generally, the relevance of cyber policing in combating