Page 2 - NovaBanglaJune
P. 2
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From page 1 youth, post embarrassing pictures, share private infor-
mation, or send threatening messages. Students can use
To make it simple we can say, anything we do with our their access to a large online audience to encourage their
computer is cyber. And to make all our computer related peers to join them in targeting someone with gossip, ru-
activities secured, integrated, confidential and available is mors, and untrue stories.
While all bullying is characterized by intentional, often
So, what is the problem? who is stopping to make all our repetitive, hurtful behavior toward another person or
computer related activities secured, integrated, confiden- group, there are distinguishing elements when it happens
tial and available. That is Cybercrime online or via smartphone. Cyberbullying is:
Cybercrime • Persistent. Most students have access to some form of
technology at all times, which means cyberbullying can
Cybercrime is basically computer-related crimes, which happen any time—in the morning, afternoon, and even-
includes any illegal behavior committed by means of, or in ing—not just while children are at school. It happens while
relation to, a computer system or network, including such at home or in the community.
crimes as illegal control and offering or distributing infor-
mation by means of a computer system or network. • Hard to detect. While some bullying is very overt, such
as pushing or damaging belongings, cyberbullying happens
The term “cybercrime” can include traditional computer through phones and on computers or tablets, making it
crimes, as well as network crimes. As these crimes differ in
much more difficult for adults to detect.
many ways, there is no single criterion that could include
all acts mentioned in the different regional and interna- • Anonymous. Cyberbullying can be done anonymously.
tional legal approaches to address the issue. Those being bullied might not even know who is perpetu-
ating the behavior, which makes it easy for one child to
hurt another and not be held accountable.
Types of Cybercrime • Capable of spreading to a much larger audience. Infor-
There are different types of computer crimes. Since our mation online can be shared easily and quickly, which
lives have become more dependent on computer systems makes it difficult to contain or stop negative messages.
every day, the type and nature of cybercrime is also be- • Easier to be hurtful. It is often easier to bully using tech-
coming more complicated. However, there are some com- nology because of greater physical distance. The person
mon types of cybercrime such as the following: bullying doesn’t see the immediate response from the
person being targeted. They might not recognize the seri-
ous harm caused by their actions because technology dis-
Cyberbullying: tances them from the real-life pain they could be causing.
Students now live at a time of instant access to cell • Permanent Once something is shared on the internet, it
phones, tablets, or computers, which open the door to is often available to everyone, everywhere. It can be chal-
exciting new ways of connecting, interacting, and learning. lenging to completely delete information once it is on the
However, these new modes of communication also pre- internet. Note: The one advantage to “permanence” is
sent new challenges for parents. Not only do parents have that online bullying does leave tangible evidence. Unlike
to help children and youth navigate in-person social situa- physical or emotional bullying, online bullying leaves a
tions, they also need to prepare them for healthy relation- digital footprint; the words, images, or videos posted can
ships online. Parents have the opportunity to guide their be documented through screenshots or saving URLs and
children through this new virtual world. Cyberbullying is texts, which can be useful.
the use of technology to intentionally harass, hurt, embar- To be continued
rass, humiliate, or intimidate another person. Cyberbully-
ing can happen anywhere there is online social interac- Editor:& Publisher: Abu S. Mahfuz
tion. For example, some young people use social media, 114 N. Sycamore Road, Sterling, VA 20164
video games, texting, or anonymous apps to bully other Phone: 202-999-0004