Page 37 - WA8
P. 37

Radio Drive

                               j{tà  jxÇà  jÜÉÇz

 g                      someone.  It sees who that person can        home. It’s empty.  Only filled with memories
                        become.  The best version of that person. If  of what once was, of who they once were.
  nd The Song
                        only we could keep that going into the years
                        of marriage and our relationships.  As I wrote  As I wrote the song, this tapped into
 most intense song that
                        this part, I wrote it from the wife’s        something deeper than the loss of divorce.  I
 t earlier this year after
                        perspective.  I believe women are more       felt grieved over the loss of my brother as I
 ar and dear to me, got
                        tuned in with that, and I honor that in them.  thought of all the plans we had once talked
 ocked and
                                                                     about. And now he’s gone.  I’ve never cried
 s. They were so young
                        I know as a guy, I’m not the most attentive to  once while writing a song, but this song was
 arried a few years.  I
                        reading women.  I imagine most guys are like  different.  I wept as I wrote this.  Not only for
 th them and hearing
                        that.  I think I can safely say, that most guys  me, but it was as if I could somehow, faintly,
 derful plans for their
                        are thick as a brick when it comes to reading  empathize with others who went through the
                        the “unspoken” words of a woman.  Here in    pain of divorce or lost a loved one.  I wept for
                        my song I write “How could I not hear you cry,  them, too.
 pain must be like to go
                        you were right in front of me?”.   That would
 e that.  As I sat at my
                        be me.  So focused on other things, like     In summary, the song is about loss that never
 ng, the chords started
                        work, keeping up the yard, what’s for dinner,  should have happened.
 n the words started to
                        that I would completely miss the silent pain
 ng?” was the question
                        she was in.  Silently crying in pain, and me
                        completely oblivious to that. I tried to cap-
                        ture that in the song.             
  it sees past worst in
 unconditional love that                                   
                        Then it all ends.  The house is no longer a
 s and sees the best in                                              usic
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