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P. 7

Daryn Wright
                                                           Daryn Wright


               DO NOT FORGIVE – DO NOT                         am often asked if my songs were
               FORGET                                          written from things that happened in
                                                               my life.  Some of them yes, and some of
                                                               them no.  Some of them were purely
               Why would we not want to forgive?
                                                               creative imagination.
               Don’t get me wrong, I do believe we
               need to forgive others, but we need to          Forgetting these moments in our lives
                                                               is also something we need to avoid.
               be able to hang on to that moment
               when forgiveness was not in our
                                                               Our lyrics do not need to be an exact
                                                               replica of an event that happened in
                                                               our life.  Use those experiences to tell a
               Without forgiveness, the emotions can
                                                               story, whether it be fabricated or a
               fester and grow into a great mountain
               of a wall, or any other choice                  memory.
               obstacles you can imagine.
                                                               If we forget, what kind of a story can
                                                               we tell.  Forgetting can leave you
               How deep and swift is the river before
                                                               stumped, not knowing where to go with
               you, that swallowed the bridge you
               were set to cross?  How high is that            your lyric.  It leads to writer’s block,
               mountain that sits between you and the          and that is one place we do not want to
               green valley below it on the other side?
               How hot and dry is that great desert
                                                               Examples of hanging onto that
               that teases you daily of a water filled
               mirage at the edge of the other side of         moment, not forgiving, and not
               the dunes?  If only you could make              forgetting, can be seen in many of the
                                                               great songs on the charts in recent
               these obstacles go away from your
               path and journey.                               years.  “I set fire to the rain.”  “If you
                                                               ever loved me, have mercy.”  “On a
                                                               bloody morning after one tin soldier
               What if we can use these obstacles to
                                                               rides away.”  The list is endless.
               our advantage?

                                                               In life, you should forgive and forget.
               Clearly, it is said to forgive, but not
                                                               In lyrics, forgiving and forgetting is not
               when it comes to lyrics.
                                                               a good idea.
               Painting images of your obstacles, and
                                                               Do not limit your resources.  Do not
               the great torment and emotions that
               caused them are the kinds of things             forgive.  Do not forget.
               that will draw the listener into your
               song lyrically.  Let them feel, see, and        Written by: Daryn Wright
               experience what you went through.
               Personal experiences and real-life
               stories are great resources to write
               good and memorable lyrics, but a great
               imagination can do the same thing.  I

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