Page 32 - The Sandbag Times Issue No:58
P. 32
Hull East AFVBC
A good 40 veterans and their families
attended at the Hull East Armed
Forces & Veterans Breakfast Club,
along with the new Lord Mayor of
Kingston-upon-Hull, the Honourable
Steven Williams, who was ‘startled’
to learn of the extent of this organi-
Dereck Hardman Thanked by Theresa May
Dereck Hardman RE from Ganstead, the founder and driving force behind the world-wide
phenomenon which is the Armed Forces & Veterans Breakfast Clubs, has been recognised by
the Prime Minister this morning for his brilliant work with a Points of Light award.
In a personal letter to Dereck, Theresa May said: “By founding the Armed Forces and Veterans
Breakfast Clubs you are helping those who, like yourself, have given so much in service to our
country. Bringing together our brave veterans creates a sense of community and provides vital
support for veterans’ health and wellbeing. You should feel truly proud of your work”.
I second May’s sentiments well done Dereck!
PAR AFVBC Legacy Properties, Speedy hire, Towergate
insurance and Tirio Tech to name but a few.
Charlotte Olford from Par AFVBC, shares The event raised £200 for each of the three
news of there first birthday: charities - (BL, SSAFA, Combat Stress)
“We organised a festival, this was attended
over two days by some 200 people (not Friendships were formed that will last a
bad for a first year) 15 local bands gave lifetime, as well as a specialreunion for two
their time and sang their hearts out. RBL ladies who were in basic training together
,SSAFA, Combat Stress, Veterans In action 30 years ago! The highlight of the event
6 Rifles and the RAF reserves as well as local is not measured in success but for us it
cadet forces were in attendance. The event is measured in the smiling faces and one
was a huge success and plans are already in member in particular who sadly lost his wife
place for next year’s event which will be held told us that this event had given him the
on 3rd and 4th July 2020 confidence to get back out and meet people
again andthathe’d had the best time ever
Our Face book page has some amazing since his wife died.
fest2019/ It would be great to see more people next
year - Tickets are already
The event was supported by Local business, on sale.”
D Day Veteran - St Helens AFVBC
Local Veteran Raymond Rush unfortunately had to miss St Helens AFVBC
D Day trip as he was in hospital at the time, so the breakfast club came to
the rescue by hosting a little party just for Raymond at the hospital.
The local press were invited, along with the NHS area manager and admin-
istrator who all made a real fuss of there local and much respected hero
who had served with the South Lancashire Regiment during WW2.
The icing on the top for our Raymond though had to be a lovely letter from
none other than HM the Queen, sending her good wishes. (Please see
atched photo)
On behalf of The Sandbag Times, we’d like to wish Raymond a speedy
recovery and look forward to hearing all about his next trip with St Helens
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