Page 33 - The Sandbag Times Issue No:58
P. 33


        High Plains (Spain) AFVBC                              Fast forward to 2015, I met my now husband, a RAFP  vet and
        By Esther Navarro                                      BTP police dog handler. He struggles, and I have learned so
                                                               much thanks to him. Fate works in strange ways. Living with my
                                                               husband, I have learned why my father was and did what he did.
        Hello, my name is Esther Navarro, and I am founding co-admin   So as you may understand, the Armed Forces, and especially
        for the High Plains (Spain) AFVBC (north Granada province,   veterans, are something very dear to me. I love to sit and listen to
        Spain).                                                the banter, the stories, the memories.

        I am a civilian, but I have been related to the armed forces my   I am very active in several military charities, and when I heard
        entire life. My father was a career soldier, US Army. I was born   about the AFVBC, I decided then and there to start one in our
        and raised on a military base overseas. I grew up in a place   area.   That is where I am now. We live in a very remote area
        where you stopped the car and saluted the flag at sundown.   All   of southern Spain, with not only ex-pats, but local Spaniard
        my friends were army brats, like myself.  My dad volunteered to   scattered about. I live in a tiny hamlet with about 60 permanent
        go to Vietnam, and when he came back, he was a different daddy   residents, of which, as of today, about 14 are British, and of
        than the one that had gone to war. In those days, children were   those, 3 are vets. We can travel for miles just for a coffee, and if
        seen and not heard, and they were never told “adult problems”.   the food is good, we may even drive over an hour.

        So I never understood why my dad was always so angry at me.   We have our regular meetings once a month at our scheduled
        I grew up first fearing him, then hating him. He passed away   venue, but we will also be having “roaming breakfasts” in the
        years later,  from one of the many illnesses the US  government   different towns and hamlets in our area. Hopefully this will help
        denies are war related. To this day, I carry the guilt of not   in bringing more men and women out of their caves, and back
        understanding him.                                     into the family.

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