Page 23 - lifeinlyrics3
P. 23

Paint It By Numbers

               Moving through life                 Paint it by numbers
           always in black and white            Let colours shine through
               Nothing in between                  Paint it by numbers
            to put all the things right        Make the colours run true
              Sick of staring down
               into my coffee cup                     Lastly I need
           Gonna paint it by numbers               to sail on an ocean
            brighten all my world up                  Colour it right
                                                  and follow its motion
                  Firstly I need                     Paint it all blue
               sombody to love me               watch the tide to and fro
                 Colour my heart               Gonna paint it by numbers
            and watch as it runs free             watch the water flow
               Paint my heart red
              eee my firelight glow                Paint it by numbers
           Gonna paint it by numbers            Let colours shine through
           make my true colours show               Paint it by numbers
                                                 Let the colours run true
               Paint it by numbers
            Let colours shine through              Paint it by numbers
               Paint it by numbers                 Red white and blue
           Make the colours run true               Paint it by numbers
                                              Let the colour shine through
             Now I just need to find
            my own rays of sunshine                Paint it by numbers
                 Colour the sun                 Let colours shine through
              so it shines real fine               Paint it by numbers
                  Paint it yellow                Let the colours run true
          to make my sun shine bright
           Gonna paint it by numbers                 Jane Shields ©
              find my own sunlight

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