Page 33 - lifeinlyrics3
P. 33

Reaching For Reasons

          Reaching for reasons to go on              this end’s soon
              Living my life as I do           Really can't go on this way
                  Nothing I say              Closing my mind to the future
               makes a difference                 Taking deep breaths
          Need to break away from you                  to stay calm
               Searching my heart           Feeling my heart beating loudly
                for some guidance             Wanting an end to this harm
           Nothing is holding my fears
           I meet a wall of resistance       Locking down all my emotions
         Drowning behind my own tears       Clearing the pain from my heart
                                                    Shaking from all
          Running around in big circles              the frustrations
          Over the same ground again         Knowing for sure we must part
        Trying so hard to do what's right            Closing my eyes
          Feeling my own hurt and pain               really tight now
                 So sad that love                   Wondering where
                doesn't live here                    we went wrong
         Shouting is breaking me down                Wishing it had
          Killing me slowly from inside             been so different
         Changing my smile to a frown           Sadly we can't get along

           Tears are my only solution             How'd we lose track
                To drown my pain                       of the magic
                 when in starts                    All the good things
                 Falling in tracks                   that we shared
               down my face now                      All we have left
         Burning deep holes in my heart             is the heartache
          My mind is always in turmoil        So long since I felt you cared
              Staying is all I can do        Reaching for reasons to go on
          There is no place I can run to          Living my life as I do
           To take me away from you                   Nothing I say
                                                   makes a difference
           Trying to look to the future       Need to break away from you
         Hoping this will end some day
              Wishing and praying                    Jane Shields (C)

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