Page 31 - lifeinlyrics3
P. 31

Unwanted Memories

             As my head hits my pillow
                 and I try to sleep
              My mind starts to dwell           Unwanted memories of you
               on past secrets I keep        Haunt my days and night times too
              Of the hurt and the pain       The hurt and the pain from my past
               through all of my years      Will be with me 'till I breathe my last
              And my eyes start to cry
                my own salty tears                 Now I'm living my life
                                                   always haunted by you
               Though I really do try             You invade my day times
              not to dwell on my past                  whatever I do
             Deep in my mind thoughts                I need to find out
             come back thick and fast               the best way for me
                 And whatever I do              To keep unwanted memories
                to distract my brain                under lock and key
           Still those unwanted memories
                 are with me again                Though I'm living my life
                                                     I feel it passing by
             Unwanted memories of you                Endlessly fighting
               Haunt my days and my                 and wondering why
                  night times too                I feel bound by your chains
         The hurt and the pain from my past       always drawing me back
        Will be with me 'till I breathe my last  Always wary and frightened
                                                    of your next attack
               As my eyes close to try
          to stop thoughts getting through   My confidence left lme so long ago
                I then get assaulted                 The pain thatI feel
                 by pictures of you                 it’s always on show
                 And try as I might                My life’s but a shell of
                you will not go away                 what it should be
             I'm  worn out from fighting           Release your chains,
                 this day after day                   Set my life free

               When I finally give in           Unwanted memories of you
                and fall off to sleep        Haunt my days and night times too
           At the point where the sleeping   The hurt and the pain from my past
                begins to get deep          Will be with me 'till I breathe my last
                So the terrors begin
                 and I relive again                   Jane Shields (C)
              All the hurt and the fear
                  mingled in pain

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