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Trevor Dimoff
The Poetry Of Song Lyricse Poetry Of Song Lyricse Poetry Of Song Lyrics
is more interesting for the listener. Using different rhyme You can read Parts of a Popular Song for a deeper
schemes (the pattern of rhymes of the end of each line) is discussion of the characteristics of popular song sections.
more interesting than using the same rhyme scheme in each
section. How Do I Write More Poetic Song Lyrics?
Song lyrics are sung and strong melodies that sound Interesting lyrics should sound good, be singable and mean
natural follow speech accents. Write your lyrics with something to the listener. It’s important that lyrics be
natural speech rhythms in mind. Read your lyrics aloud. If accessible enough that an audience can understand the
you can speak them comfortably they will be easier to sing… meaning on the first listen. More sophisticated lyrics have
don’t write tongue twisters! deeper layers of meaning that take further listening to
understand, giving your audience a reason to listen to your
How Do I Write Lyrics for Each Song Section? song again.
Song lyrics are organized into sections, each has a Use metaphors, similes, allusions and symbolism to imply
different function or role in the song. additional meaning beyond the literal interpretation of your
Study interesting songs. Study interesting poetry. Both art
The chorus is where everyone sings along. Keep it simple forms use similar techniques to help people create images
and easy to remember. Put the title here, highlight the main and emotions in their minds as part of the experience. Adapt
theme or main feeling in the song. Use the same lyrics and interesting lyric ideas and techniques from the songs you
music every time. love.
Verse For insights into how to study songs to improve your lyric
writing, read Lyric Writing Reference Tracks (Write Away,
The Verse is the part of the song where you tell the story. Use July, 2019, p8).
vivid details and imagery that resonates with your audience.
Each verse follows the same rhythm and rhyme patterns, Summary
uses the same melody and the same music.
Song lyrics are a form of poetry, with specific rules and con-
Bridge ventions that evolved because of how vocalists sing lyrics and
how audiences hear and understand songs. Your lyrics will
The bridge is optional but extremely common. It is be more interesting and appealing to your listeners when you
something musically and lyrically different. It can be a new understand how they will experience your lyrics after it is set
perspective on the story, or the ending of the story. Use to music. Study songs you love and write as often as you can.
different rhyme and rhythm patterns from the other sections.
It can be difficult to balance different from the other sections Trevor Dimoff is a songwriter and songwriting teacher at
with similar enough to sound like it… click to learn how to consistently
belongs in the same song. work on your songwriting.
The pre-chorus is optional, but common in many genres.
It connects the lyric meaning and/or the music of the end
of the verse to the chorus. Use the same lyrics, melody and
music each time. Occasionally there are minor changes to
the lyrics.
Comparing the Song Sections
Verse: different words in each verse but using the same
melody and music.
Chorus and Pre-Chorus: same words and same music each
Bridge: different from other sections, only happens once. 05