Page 19 - HaveFaithOct
P. 19
Day 20 The truth is only a reflection away...
Mirrors... 1 Corinthians 13: 12
Mirrors can be very scary things. They show the truth, nothing else. Sometimes the truth
all of the wrinkles, grey hairs, worry lines and is uncomfortable but only by facing it can we
all the extra good living that we try to ignore truly be the people we strive to be. Mirrors
and cover with clothes and make up. Yep, don’t just uncover the bad things, they also
we can find ourselves avoiding them unless reveal the beauty of life. Last year I wrote a
absolutely necessary. Of course, I am talking passage called puddles where I looked in to
about myself here (Not that I wear make-up) a puddle on the road which reflected every-
but when I look in the mirror these days I find thing above me. There was the wonders of
myself trying to see the good looking, young a beautiful sky and heaven beyond in a re-
lad I once was but instead I see the ageing flection. With that in mind next time you look
face, platinum tinted hair and ever expanding in to the mirror look at the beauty staring
waist line that is now the reality of my lot. back at you. Yes, it may be a little weathered
And do you know what, I’m happy with it. but it will also be full of love. It may have a
being content in my outer appearance has few lines here and there but it will also be ca-
brought a lot of peace and has somewhat pable of smiling back at you. You are not
slowed the process down a little. At least only looking at yourself but at God’s creation,
that’s what I like to tell myself. Mirrors can how cool is that. If you believe that God lives
also reflect the truth of oneself just by looking within us, then you are also staring at God.
in to the eyes. Consider how we can some- The reflection will always be there for you to
times judge others for their wrongs. The next see. It will remain with you for the rest of your
time you feel the need to do this, firstly go to life. Just like God, he won’t leave you ever
your mirror and look into it for a few moments but like the reflection in the mirror he is the
at the person staring back at you and judge only one who is qualified to judge you. Only
them for what they have done wrong in the you and God knows what’s going on in the
past. If you can truly do this without feeling life of your reflection. Only you know what
like the hypocrite then go ahead and judge the reflection has been through to cause all
others. I know that this is something I those worry lines. If that is the case how can
couldn’t do, come to think of it I don’t know we possibly judge others regardless of what
anyone else that could either. Mirrors show they have done.
Have Faith 19 |